12 passengers of TransAsia are still missing.

Authorities are still searching for the 12 passengers of TransAsia flight that fell over Keelung River in Taipei, Taiwan.

TransAsia Flight GE235 has 58 passengers and that include its crew. The airplane was reeled between buildings and clipped an overpass with its port-side wing. It crashed upside down into the shallow river that slowly took off from a downtown Taipei airport on Wednesday (February 4).

TransAsia Airways confirmed that 31 were proclaimed dead that includes the pilot and co-pilot of the turboprop ATR 72-600. 15 passengers were injured and 12 were still on search by authorities.

Burial assistance to the victims and financial support to the families were already given and distributed by the management of TransAsia Airways.

President Fred Wu of TransAsia denied the allegation on reports that the airplane were not having passed over an appropriate and proper investigation before it take off.

According to him, there are proofs that the airplane had passed over with proper maintenance and examination. He also said that there is no problem with its engine. (Mary Rose Faith Bonalos)