Putin, Abe to take fresh stab at WWII island row

A picture taken on December 12, 2016 shows the town of Kurilsk on the island of Iturup. Russian President Vladimir Putin heads to Japan on December 15, 2016 to meet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the latest bid to reach a deal on a territorial dispute that has prevented their nations signing a formal treaty to end World War II. Abe will host Putin at the hot springs in his ancestral city of Nagato in the hope of breaking the ice on an agreement over the Kuril Islands, seized by Soviet troops in 1945 and demanded back by Tokyo ever since. But despite months of preparatory negotiations, hope is scant that the leaders can finally hammer out the differences over the four islands -- known as the Southern Kurils in Russia and the Northern Territories in Japan -- during Putin's first visit in more than a decade. / AFP PHOTO / ANDREY KOVALENKO
A picture taken on December 12, 2016 shows the town of Kurilsk on the island of Iturup.
Russian President Vladimir Putin heads to Japan on December 15, 2016 to meet Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the latest bid to reach a deal on a territorial dispute that has prevented their nations signing a formal treaty to end World War II. Abe will host Putin at the hot springs in his ancestral city of Nagato in the hope of breaking the ice on an agreement over the Kuril Islands, seized by Soviet troops in 1945 and demanded back by Tokyo ever since. But despite months of preparatory negotiations, hope is scant that the leaders can finally hammer out the differences over the four islands — known as the Southern Kurils in Russia and the Northern Territories in Japan — during Putin’s first visit in more than a decade. / AFP PHOTO / 

NAGATO, Russia (AFP) — Russia and Japan kick off a summit Thursday aimed at reaching a deal over a group of small islands that have prevented the countries from formally ending their World War II hostilities.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will host Russian President Vladimir Putin in the former’s ancestral city of Nagato in hopes of achieving a breakthrough over the territory off Japan’s northern coast seized by Soviet troops in 1945.

The four islands are known as the Southern Kurils in Russia and the Northern Territories in Japan, and the dispute has been a thorn in relations for more than seven decades.

Abe would like to seal a deal as soon as possible as Japanese former residents are ageing and dwindling in number.

Despite months of preparation, the outlook is not good, with both sides recently damping down expectations of major progress.

“I want to go into this summit with determination to end the issue in my generation,” Abe told former residents earlier this week, suggesting an agreement remains distant.

Putin, a judo fan who is making his first visit to Japan in over a decade, said he wanted to end the “anachronism” of the two countries not having a World War II peace treaty.

“But how to do this is a difficult question,” he told Japanese media.

For Abe, the issue is also a “legacy” from his late father Shintaro, who took the lead in negotiations with Moscow as a foreign minister but died in 1991 after pushing for talks while suffering from cancer.

The summit in western Japan is the latest attempt to draw a line under World War II since Japan and the Soviet Union began discussions in 1956.

In Nagato, Abe and Putin are expected to focus on territorial and peace treaty issues, a Japanese foreign ministry official said.

The two leaders will then move to Tokyo on Friday for more talks and a joint press appearance before attending an economic forum.

Abe has looked to eke out concessions by dangling the prospect of major Japanese investment in front of Moscow, which is mired in economic crisis.

But few believe Putin is likely to cave to Japanese demands to hand back at least some control over the islands, especially after Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States last month.

The New York real-estate baron has vowed to improve ties with Russia, where the economy has reeled under US sanctions against Moscow over Ukraine and the impact of falling oil prices.

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