DOJ confident Supreme Court will rule in favor of martial law

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News) — Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre is confident that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of President Rodrigo Duterte’s declaration of martial law in Mindanao.

The Supreme Court has until July 5 to decide on the issue, but may issue its ruling on or before Wednesday, July 4.

Aguirre said that there is no ground for the SC to overrule the martial law declaration as this has supported by facts on the ground.

“There are factual bases for the declaration of martial law. The grant or dismissal of the petitions will rest on the factual findings on whether the state of rebellion exists and that public safety requires its declaration. The evidence supporting the government’s side is overwhelming,” Aguirre said.

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana also expressed his optimism that the SC would give a favourable ruling on the declaration of martial law in the whole province of Mindanao.

Lorenzana believed that they were able to explain well to the highest court the bases for martial law enforcement in Mindanao.

“I and General Año briefed them with the Supreme Court en banc. And they’re only looking into the factual basis. And I believe we have sufficiently or completely answered all the questions on the basis of martial law,” he said.

“Tomorrow (July 4) is the day. It will promulgate the ruling and I look forward to seeing that they will say it is legal for the President to declare martial law in the first place,” he added.