PHL military says ISIS-inspired terrorists in Marawi City planning suicide bombings

Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana (L) speaks while Lieutenant General Carlito Galvez, Western Mindanao military commander, listens during a dialogue between displaced Marawi residents and government officials in Iligan City on the southern island of Mindanao on July 23, 2017, as fighting between government troops and Islamist militants enters its third month.
Some residents, displaced by ongoing fighting between government troops and Islamist militants, are threatening a protest march to their home city as they plead to the government to be returned to their homes located outside main battle areas, which they consider safe zones. The Philippine Congress on July 22 voted to extend President Rodrigo Duterte’s declaration of martial law in the south until the end of the year to defeat Islamist gunmen.


(Eagle News) — The Philippine military said that fighting is seen to end soon in Marawi City, but warned that the Islamist terrorists who remain in the city could be preparing for suicide bombings as they get desperate.

Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Mindanao Commander Lt. Gen. Carlito Galvez revealed this during a dialogue with displaced residents of Marawi City on July 23.

Galvez said they have some information that the ISIS-inspired fighters are ready to conduct bombings, including suicide bombings in their remaining lairs in the city.

“I believe that we have some information that some of the leaders of the Maute Group have indicated that they will conduct bombings inside the main battle area,” he said in an interview with CNN Philippines.

They are “planning desperate move to ram our soldiers” with suicide bombings, Galvez said.

He said that the terrorists had also originally targeted Iligan City in their planned bombings, which was why they are strengthening security in the area.

Galvez said that they believe that there are still around 10 foreign fighters inside Marawi City, fighting alongside the Maute-Abu Sayyaf Group.

The military said they are now on the second phase, which is recovery of the unexploded ammunitions in the area, and preparing for the possible return of the evacuees in Marawi City.

The military said it was important to ensure that all the terrorists are crushed and their ability to stage another attack anywhere in the country, should be diminished.