Alvarez vows to heed Duterte’s call to speed up Sereno impeachment process

(Eagle News)—-Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez on Monday, April 9, vowed to heed  President Rodrigo Duterte’s call to expedite the impeachment process against Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno.

“It will be done once we resume sessions,” Alvarez said.

President Duterte made the pronouncement on Monday, April 9, apparently irked at Sereno’s insinuations he was behind ouster moves against her despite his repeated denials.

Earlier, Sereno urged Duterte to explain why Solicitor General Jose Calida filed the quo warranto petition that seeks to have her appointment as Chief Justice nullified.

“I already told you Sereno that I did not meddle. If you are insisting, then count me in. Count me in and I will egg Calida  to do his best,” Duterte said.

“She is bad for the country,” Duterte added.