Duterte threatens to bar ICC prosecutor from entering PHL

“What is your authority now if we are not members of the (Rome Statute)?” he asks

Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, delivers a statement about the launch of preliminary examinations into the situations in the Philippines and in Venezuela. (Photo courtesy ICC website)

(Eagle News) — President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday, April 13, threatened to bar the International Criminal Court prosecutor tasked to look into the drug war from entering the country.

“Ms. Fatou (ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda), wag ka pumunta dito because I will bar you. Not because I’m afraid of you but because you will never have jurisdiction over my person. Not in a million years,” he said during a speech upon his arrival at the Davao International Airport from China and Hong Kong.

Duterte questioned Bensouda’s “authority” should she come to the country, considering  “we are not members of the (ICC) treaty.”

The President announced the country’s pullout from the tribunal in March, citing the “baseless attacks” against him and his administration.

But even before the announcement, Duterte argued the Rome Statute that establishes the ICC and of which the country was a signatory does not apply in the Philippines because it was not published as required by law in newspapers of general publication.

“Why are you in this country? You cannot exercise any proceedings here without basis. That is illegal and I will arrest u. Di ako matatakot. I said you can never haul me to the ICC simply because your position is flawed and cannot be corrected anymore so stop your nonsense,” Duterte said.

He said the United Nations should instead focus on other more important matters like the bombings of hospitals where there are children.

“Wala pa kayong napapakita,” he said.

In February this year, Besouda announced a preliminary examination into the drug war based on the communication filed by lawyer Jude Sabio against Duterte and several officials of his administration in April 2017.

Senator Antonio Trillanes IV and Rep. Gary Alejano also filed a supplemental complaint.