Sison: Duterte “number one enemy of his own state”

(Eagle News)–Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Maria Sison on Monday, Aug. 28, alleged President Rodrigo Duterte was the “number one enemy of his own state,” accusing him of “deceptive and murderous methods of Oplan Tokhang in Oplan Kapayapaan,” among others.

According to Sison, Duterte has “turned the police and military into his private criminal instruments” as they act “like death squads” who are “emboldened to fulfill their kill quotas because of presidential guarantees of impunity and cash rewards for every murdered (New People’s Army) suspect which are much higher than in the fake surrender racket or in the phoney war on drugs.”

He said that under Duterte’s methods, for instance, barangay officials are “required to list down the names of NPA suspects, relatives and sympathizers” for the military only “under the guise of letting them surrender and clear themselves and even get cash rewards.”

“But those listed down are subsequently photographed and misrepresented as ‘NPA surenderees’ and the military officers pocket the reward money,” he said.

He said “the worst thing about the list of surrenders is that it is also a death list as in Oplan Tokhang” and  “becomes the basis for killing people extrajudicially.”

Sison also accused Duterte of violating “the bill of rights in the 1987 constitution by inciting arrests without judicial warrant and causing mass murder with impunity”;  “betray(ing) national sovereignty and territorial integrity by selling out the Philippines´ exclusive economic zone and extended continental shelf in the West Philippine Sea to China and conspiring with China to turn the Philippines into a Chinese debt colony;” “junking the 1987 constitution to impose tyranny on the Filipino people and to aggrandize foreign monopoly interests by letting them have 100% ownership of land, natural resources, public utlities, and mass media in violation of economic sovereignty and territorial integrity; and of adopting policies that “impose a heavy tax burden on the people and that have jacked up the prices of basic goods and services in order to raise the tax revenues for funding bureaucratic corruption, graft-ridden infrastructure projects and acquisition of military equipment and supplies and amortization of the ever growing foreign and local public debt.”

As such,  Sison said that among the chief executive’s military officers, “there is a significant number who view Duterte himself as the No.1 enemy of the Philippine state.”

“Duterte is unwittingly putting his own life in more serious danger than ever,” Sison said.