Duterte approves DFA proposal to stamp visas with PHL map that includes the country’s S. China Sea claims on Chinese passports

(Eagle News)–President Rodrigo Duterte has approved the Department of Foreign Affairs’ proposal to stamp visas for Chinese nationals in their passports, the Palace said.

The visas, Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo said, will contain a map of the Philippines including the Southeast Asian country’s claims in the South China Sea.

Chinese passports contain a map of China including its nine-dash line that delineates China’s expansive claims in the South China Sea.

Prior to this, the practice was for the visas to be stamped on a separate application paper “to avoid the Philippines being misconstrued as legitimizing the 9-dash line every time a Philippine visa is stamped on such Chinese e-passport.”

This policy was implemented by then-Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario, during then-President Noynoy Aquino’s term.

In the same press conference, Panelo said President Duterte confirmed he would raise the 2016 arbitral tribunal ruling that invalidated China’s nine-dash line in favor of the Philippines to Chinese  President Xi Jinping.

Panelo said this would take place during the two leaders’ “one on one dialogue” when President Duterte visits China by the end of August.

“Hintayin natin ang Presidente,” Panelo said.

“The President has always been firm. No doubt about it,” he added.