PNP: Ten members of private armed group surrender in Cotabato City

(Eagle News) — Ten members of a private armed group have surrendered in Cotabato City, the Philippine National Police said.

According to the PNP, Ambie Anso Bansil alias Mama Abo and members of his group– Kamsali Anso Bansil alias Tali; Johari Anso Villanueva alias Wari; Johair Anso Villanueva alias Ting; Samsodin Anso Villanueva alias Unggal; Arnold Anso Mohammad alias Nods; Abobakar Anso Villanueva alias Bakar; Abraham Udti Anso alias Mego; Monib Anso Mohammad alias Nibs; and Gani Anso Esmael alias Gans surrendered to personnel of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) Regional Field Unit 9 at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday.

The PNP said the group was led by the deceased Mayor Talib B. Abo of Parang, Maguindanao.

The group also surrendered one  homemade cal. 50 Barrett, one homemade 7.62 MM Barrett with one  magazine, one  homemade shotgun with one magazine; one shotgun, one homemade M79 grenade launcher, among others.

The surrendered firearms, explosives and ammo were turned over to the CIDG RFU9.

Those who surrendered were turned over to the local government unit for assessment and so they could avail of some livelihood assistance.