VP Binay says corruption charges againts him will not stand in court

VP Binay decried the accusations of corruptions against him and his family, saying that these are merely recycled accusations that come out every election.

Binay vehemently denied that the Makati City building two was overpriced, as alleged in the senate blue ribbon sub-committee, and stressed that his accusers and detractors used wrong data.

He said the charges against him will not stand in a court of law mainly because his accusers failed to give evidence.

Binay then recalled that two administrations had tried to persecute him in the past but they did not succeed because he was right and the people were behind him.

The vice president also challenged his detractors to face him in clean and honest elections and called on them to raise the standard of politics in the country.

Plunder charges against the vice president and his son, Makati Mayor Jun Jun Binay, stemmed from the alleged overpriced Makati City hall building 2.