IS claims car bombing attacks against Houthi in Yemen’s capital, 18 killed

JUNE 18 (Reuters-CCTV) — The Islamic States (IS) group said Wednesday that it carried out four car bombing attacks against the Shiite Houthi group in Yemen’s capital of Sanaa, killing at least 18 people and injuring dozens.

IS said in a statement posted on Twitter that its soldiers used four car bombs in the attacks against the Houthi sites, one outside the office of the Houthi political bureau, the highest decision making body, in northern Yemen, and the rest near three mosques, where Houthi followers were praying.

On March 20, IS suicide bombers attacked two mosques in Sanaa and Houthi headquarters in the northern Saada province, killing at least 137 people, the most deadliest attacks in Yemen for decades.