Dissolution of diplomatic ties a loss for Saudi Arabia, say Iranians

Residents in the Iranian capital of Tehran have spoken out against the actions of Saudi Arabia as tensions between the two countries reached breaking point in the past few days.

The rift between the two countries became inflamed after Saudi Arabia executed prominent Shiite cleric Nemer al-Nemer along with 46 others over terrorism charges on January 2. This was followed by an attack on the Saudi Embassy in Tehran by protesters, leading to Saudi Arabia severing diplomatic relations with Iran.

Nimr-al-Nimr street sign Tehran
“Nemer Baqer Al’Nemer Street”

The street where the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Tehran is located was renamed “Nemer Baqer Al’Nemer Street” after the cleric just one day after protesters set the building on fire.

Nimr-al-Nimr poster in Tehran
Posters of Nemer al-Nemer can be found along many streets in the city.

Posters of Nemer al-Nemer can be found along many streets in the city.

Many Iranians believe that the dissolution of diplomatic ties between the two countries is more of a loss for the Saudis.

“The Saudis should know that Iranians will not take any form of coercion or threat. As young Iranians, we will not allow Saudi Arabians, Israelis or Americans to threaten us,” said Reza, a Tehran resident.

“They [Saudi Arabia] have the right to be upset and angry because of the attack on their embassy. But we should not forget the stampede in Mecca that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Iranian pilgrims. I don’t know what they want to prove to the world through such a radical act.” said Musa, another Tehran resident.

More than 400 Iranians died in a stampede during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca in September 2015. (CCTV/Reuters)