Americans die in Honduran bus crash

Three U.S. citizens died after their bus overturned in Honduras Wednesday (January 13). Another 30 were injured, 12 badly, according to agency reports and the Latin American Herald Tribune.

The bus was carrying volunteers affiliated with the NGO Global Bridages, the Seattle-based group that seeks to promote community empowerment and sustainability and health programming through international volunteer work.

Two of those who died were students at Barnard College in New York. Another was a 45-year health care professional.

The accident occurred east of Tegucigalpa when the bus fell into a ravine, according to reports.

“The doctors have already conducted the respective autopsies and U.S. embassy staff are excepted to come to finalise the handing over and repatriation of these three young women who died in this fatal accident,” said Isa Alvarado, spokesperson for the morgue for the Honduran Public Ministry.

The fall resulted from a mechanical problem with the vehicle, according to the Mexican news outlet, Informador.

The bus was taking the group back to the capital for their return to the United States. (Reuters)