Trump slams opponents at rally in Las Vegas

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday (January 21) called out fellow presidential hopefuls, slamming Republican rival Jeb Bush for an attack ad that says the real estate mogul would lose to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the general election, criticizing Senator Ted Cruz and calling Bernie Sanders “a wacko”.

Trump made the comments at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The billionaire businessman called Bush “a lost soul” and a “poor, pathetic, low-energy guy” who will soon run out of campaign funds.

“But you know this poor pathetic low- energy guy, he gets up and he does a commercial that Hillary, they show Hillary winning an election. It’s great. That’s just what we need, a commercial that’s positive for Hillary. This is this is the kind of thinking we have in this country. So he’ll spend another 10 million. He does so many negative commercials. So he does a picture of, and then I said to myself, ‘wait a minute, wait a minute, I’m going to lose to Hillary and he’s going to win?’ But he’s losing to me by like 35 points. He’s not even on the scale. Of these people. We got a bunch of real dummies, I tell you,” Trump said.

“He said, ‘Oh, Hillary Clinton will beat me.’ Let me tell you, the last Fox poll, just so you understand, the last Fox poll shows I’m going to be, you know I’m going to beat her so easily. I haven’t even started on her yet. I haven’t even started,” he added.

Trump read from recent favorable voter surveys and lambasted Cruz, his closest Republican rival in key primary states.

“Ted is starting to go down he’s getting nervous. You see him now. Oh by the way we’re putting a commercial, you’re going to like it. But it’s very positive commercial. But Ted is getting very, very nervous. He should get nervous because a lot of polls are coming out. They’re not looking good for Ted. They’re not looking good. You know his new line of attack is that I’ve become establishment. Give me a break,” Trump said.

“He had his moment and he blew it,” he added.

“And then this guy this wacko Bernie Sanders who is just. Who wants to by the way wants to bring your taxes to 90 percent, OK? He says everything’s free, everything’s free. The only problem is you’re going to pay 90 percent,” he said of his Democratic Socialist opponent Sanders.

The candidates face off in the first caucuses in Iowa on Feb. 1 and party primaries in New Hampshire on Feb. 9. (Reuters)