Building collapses in Toronto, at least seven injured

Seven people were injured when a building slated for demolition in Toronto falls.(photo grabbed from Reuters video)
Seven people were injured when a building slated for demolition in Toronto falls.(photo grabbed from Reuters video)

TORONTO, Canada (Reuters) – A building that was being demolished has collapsed in Toronto, injuring as many as seven people, the fire department in Canada’s largest city said on Monday (April 18).

Four people have been rescued from beneath the structure, with three transported to hospital. Another three or four people were injured and treated at the scene, Toronto Fire Services Captain Michael Westwood told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

Westwood said the building appeared to be in the process of demolition, and parts of the building and attached scaffolding had collapsed onto the sidewalk and road in central Toronto.

He said rescuers believed they had found all the people injured in the collapse but were continuing to search the area.

Toronto Police said on Twitter a canine unit had been sent to assist with the search and rescue