AFP Engineering Brigade to help in early recovery efforts in Marawi City

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News) — The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will send its Engineering Brigade to Marawi City as part of the early recovery effort for the city.

AFP spokesperson Brigadier General Restituto Padilla said that the AFP will not wait for the conflict to end and will start immediately with the recovery effort.

“The early recovery stage is going to occur even while hostilities are ongoing. And this early recovery stage will pave the way for the preparation of the ground for the temporary resettlement area while Bangon Marawi is capacitating itself and organizing itself to embark on the full recovery at the end of hostilities,” Padilla said in a press briefing.

According to Padilla, part of the recovery stage is the construction of temporary shelters for residents of the city. The recovery effort will also focus on the restoration of electricity and water supply as well as medical and educational services.

“So, hoping to make that as a six-months to one-year transition dwelling for many of the residents until such time that the areas that they used to live will have been reconstructed and rehabilitated,” said Padilla.

“Primary attention and focus for the rehabilitation, of course, will go to the basic services, initially. And what are these? The restoration of power, the restoration of water, the provision of safe drinking water and sanitation, and restoration of health services, and also educational services,” he added.

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