(Eagle News) — The Commission on Appointments confirmed today the ad interim appointment of Vitaliano Aguirre II as Justice Secretary.
In a hearing Wednesday afternoon (February 15) at the Senate, the CA confirmed Aguirre’s appointment as head of the Department of Justice, after the speeches of Senators Loren Legarda and JV Ejercito extolling the qualities and experience of Aguirre, befitting his position as the Justice chief of the country.
It was Legarda who moved for the confirmation of Aguirre as Justice chief.
Davao Del Norte 2nd district Rep. Antonio “Tonyboy” Floirendo and Cebu 4th district Rep. Benhur Salimbangon also stood up to express their support for the confirmation of Aguirre.
Before this, the CA went into executive session after verbal fireworks erupted at the Senate because of the vocal opposition of Senator Antonio Trillanes IV to Aguirre’s confirmation.
Trillanes cited Aguirre’s statement that criminals were not “humanity” in response to an Amnesty International report on extrajudicial killings of drug suspects.
Aguirre said he was “definitely very happy” after the confirmation of his appointment.