Ambulances carrying bodies of executed drug convicts leave Indonesian prison island

Ambulances leave Indonesian prison island with the remains of eight drug convicts who were executed slightly after midnight by firing squad. (Photo grabbed by Reuters video/Courtesy Reuters)

APRIL 29 (Reuters) — Ambulances carrying the remains of executed drug convicts left the Indonesian prison island of Nusakambangan on Wednesday (April 29).

The eight people, including nationals of Australia, Nigeria, Brazil and Indonesia, were executed by firing squad after midnight. But a Filipina who was on the same execution list was not executed as part of the group.

A spokesman for the Attorney General’s Office said it had delayed the execution of Mary Jane Veloso, a housemaid and mother of two who was arrested in 2010 after she arrived in Indonesiawith 2.6 kg of heroin hidden in her suitcase.

The delay came in response to a request from Manila after an employment recruiter, whom Veloso had accused of planting the drugs in her luggage, gave herself up to police in the Philippines on Tuesday (April 28).

The execution has strained relations with Australia and Brazil. Australia has recalled its envoy to Jakarta and Brazil has now had its second national executed in Indonesia in less than three months.

Brazil’s foreign ministry said it has no plan to replace its former ambassador who was recalled after the first execution.

Some of the bodies were sent directly for cremation while others will be sent to Jakarta, and will be repatriated.

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