Nike earnings rise, bullish on China

NEW YORK, United States (AFP) -- Nike reported higher second-quarter earnings Tuesday behind increased sales in key markets, including China,…

Japan launches satellite to study geomagnetic storms

KAGOSHIMA, Japan (Reuters) -- Japan launched an Epsilon-2 rocket on Tuesday (December 20) carrying the Exploration of Energization and Radiation…

No perfect shield against truck attacks, experts warn

by Michel Moutot Agence France Presse PARIS, France (AFP) -- Even the best-laid security  plans cannot protect an open-air event…

Plane with body of slain Russian envoy lands in Moscow

MOSCOW, Russia (AFP) -- A Russian plane carrying the body of the ambassador assassinated in Turkey landed on Tuesday in…

Slovak president vetoes ‘discriminatory’ religion law

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AFP) -- Slovak President Andrej Kiska on Tuesday vetoed a law he called "discriminatory", which would have made…

Trump takes on ex-president Bill Clinton

WASHINGTON, United States (AFP)  -- President-elect Donald Trump took on Bill Clinton Tuesday in a new tweet attack, after the…

Four policemen killed in new shootout in Jordan

by Kamal Taha Agence France-Presse AMMAN, Jordan (AFP) - Gunmen killed four Jordanian policemen in a new shootout Tuesday in…

IS claims Berlin truck attack, suspect at large

by Frank Zeller with Michelle Fitzpatrick in Frankfurt Agence France-Presse BERLIN, Germany (AFP) - The Islamic State group on Tuesday…

Russia joins probe into Turkey envoy murder

  by Adem ALTAN with Stuart WILLIAMS in Istanbul Agence France-Presse ANKARA, Turkey (AFP) - Russian investigators arrived in Turkey…

The fight to save Earth’s smallest rhino in Sumatra’s jungles

A special breeding program at Way Kambas National Park, in the Indonesian jungle, is trying to save the Sumatran rhino…

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