Anonymous declares “war” VS Islamic State

The Anonymous hackers’ collective is preparing to unleash a fresh wave of cyber attacks on Islamic State, following the attacks in Paris last week that killed 129 people, it said in a video posted online.

In a video uploaded onto a social media website on Saturday (November 14), a man wearing a guy Fawkes mask said the Islamic State militants who claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks were “vermin” and Anonymous would hunts them down.

Since the attack on French weekly Charlie Hebdo last January, which led to the deaths of 17 victims, Anonymous Activists have waged an online vigilante campaign to force the shutdown of twitter profiles suspected of belonging to is supporters.

Anonymous is an international network of activist computer hackers which has claimed responsibility for many cyber attacks.

The group says it has identified more than 39,000 suspected is profiles and reported them to twitter.

It claims to have had more than 25,000 of these accounts suspended, while nearly 14,000 more on the targeted list remain active. (Eagle News Service)

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