Australian nun Fox gets reprieve from DOJ

30-day deadline for her to leave lapses on June 18, not May 25, DOJ says

(Eagle News)—Australian nun Patricia Fox got a reprieve from the Department of Justice on Friday, May 25, when it said she could stay in the country until June 18.

In his two-page order, Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said the running of the 30-day deadline for her to leave, after all, stopped when she filed a motion for reconsideration before the Bureau of Immigration.

In May, the BI  said she should leave the country on May 25, after forfeiture of her missionary visa.

This was allegedly after she violated the terms of her visa when she participated in  partisan political activities beyond Quezon City, the place where she said she would conduct her missionary work.

But Fox appealed the BI decision, which the bureau denied in an April 19 order.

In the order, Guevarra also asked the BI to  submit its comment within ten days.

Fox was given five days to submit a reply to the comment.

President Rodrigo Duterte said it was he who ordered Fox investigated.

While Filipinos had unlimited freedom of expression, he said foreigners do not and should abide by the laws of the country.

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