Beijing says should be no S.China Sea talk at Asia-Europe summit

A senior Chinese diplomat says the South China Sea is not on the agenda and should not be discussed at a major summit between Asian and European leaders in Mongolia at the end of the week attended by China's premier.(photo grabbed from Reuters video)
A senior Chinese diplomat says the South China Sea is not on the agenda and should not be discussed at a major summit between Asian and European leaders in Mongolia at the end of the week attended by China’s premier.(photo grabbed from Reuters video)

BEIJING, China (Reuters) — The South China Sea is not on the agenda and should not be discussed at a major summit between Asian and European leaders in Mongolia at the end of the week attended by China’s premier, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Monday (July 11).

The Asia-Europe Meeting, or ASEM, will be the first important diplomatic gathering after the July 12 ruling by an arbitration court hearing a dispute between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea in the Dutch city of The Hague.

Tensions and rhetoric have been rising ahead of the ruling, a case which China has refused to recognise or participate in, saying the court has no jurisdiction and China cannot be forced to accept dispute resolution.

China has repeatedly blamed the United States for stirring up trouble in the South China Sea, where its territorial claims overlap in parts with Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.

Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou signalled discussion of the South China Sea would not be welcomed at the event, which happens once every two years, as it’s designed to discuss issues between Asia and Europe.

“ASEM is not an appropriate venue to discuss the South China Sea issue. At this leaders’ summit there will not be the opportunity to discuss the South China Sea issue. And this issue should not be included on the agenda for this ASEM summit,” Kong told a news briefing.

However, Beijing-based diplomats involved with preparations for ASEM say that it is inevitable that the South China Sea dispute will be raised.

Aside from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, other attendees expected are Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and top European Union officials.

The United States has conducted freedom of navigation patrols close to Chinese-held islands, to Beijing’s anger, while China has been bolstering its military presence there.

Kong said that if there are tensions in the South China Sea it is because certain countries outside the region have been putting on shows of force and interfering.

“The reasons (behind this) are self-explanatory, because certain individual countries in this region will show off their military force. And this will cause interference with the situation in the South China Sea. It’s entirely a false proposition that the situation in the South China Sea affects regional security. We believe that including the freedom of navigation and benefits of safety in the South China Sea in the ASEM summit is unreasonable and groundless,” he said.

The relevant countries in the region, as well as China, have the wisdom to maintain peace and stability on the South China Sea, Kong said.