
Leaders hail ‘real progress’ in Syria

Paris, France—World leaders hailed “real progress” in Syria on Friday, but fresh air strikes showed the fragility of the week-old truce as the opposition cast doubt on its attendance at talks next week in Geneva. Warplanes struck a key rebel bastion east of the Syrian capital for the first time since the United States-Russia-brokered truce — which excludes the fight against jihadists — began last weekend, a monitor said. “Two air strikes hit the edge […]

China increases defense budget

BEIJING, China – According to the National People’s Congress, from seven percent the defense budget of China will increase to eight percent and added that said budget will continue to increase yearly. However, China denied the militarization of the disputed territories in the West Philippine Sea and questioned the motives of the United States of America in sending naval forces in the said territories, accusing said country of preferential treatment regarding the Philippines. (Eagle News […]

Nigeria frees 63 after dislodging Boko Haram Islamists: army

LAGOS, Nigeria (AFP) — Nigeria’s military said on Thursday it had rescued 63 people after dislodging Boko Haram Islamists from villages in the country’s restive northeast. Five Boko Haram fighters were also killed at their hideouts in Lawin Meleri, Matiri Bulaka and Aljeri villages during the clampdown, army spokesman Sani Usman said in a statement. “During the operation, they (troops) killed five Boko Haram terrorists and also rescued 63 persons held captive by the terrorists,” […]

Sandstorms hit northwest China cities

TURPAN City, Xinjiang, China (CCTV) — Sandstorms hit Hami City and Turpan Depression in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Thursday. Strong wind accompanied with sands reduced visibility in Hami to less than 200 meters in the rural areas and even less than 100 meters in some parts of the urban area. “The visibility is less than 20 meters. We have to turn on the fog lights and flashing lights to ensure safety,” said […]

NATO ships conduct anti-migrant trafficking mission in Aegean Sea

AEGEAN SEA — Greek and German vessels operating for the U.S.-led NATO alliance patrolled the Aegean sea Wednesday and Thursday (March 3) in a bid to help counter criminal networks smuggling refugees into Europe. The mission is not yet at full steam but should be fully operational before an EU-Turkey summit in Brussels on March 7. On February 25, NATO envoys set out how ships sent to the Aegean in early February can work with […]

Indonesian tsunami warning buoys not working when quake hit

  JAKARTA, Indonesia (AFP) — A series of early-warning buoys deployed after a 2004 tsunami devastated parts of Indonesia’s western Sumatra island were not working when a huge quake rocked the same area on Wednesday, an official said. The 7.8 magnitude, shallow undersea quake hit late Wednesday off Sumatra, sending panicked residents fleeing for the hills and briefly triggering a tsunami alert. But a tsunami was not generated and there have been no reports of casualties […]

U.S. can’t confirm N. Korea fired projectiles, says it would be ‘provocative act’

WASHINGTON D.C., United States (Reuters) — The U.S. said on Thursday (March 3), it could not confirm reports North Korea fired several short-range projectiles into the sea, hours after the U.N. Security Council voted to impose tough new sanctions on the isolated state. “I’ve seen the reports of these missile shots that they allegedly took. I’m actually not in a position right now to independently confirm that they actually did that,” state department spokesman John […]

China sends vessels to disputed South China Sea to tow ship

A Chinese official admitted that it sent vessels to a disputed atoll in the South China Sea to tow a grounded Filipino ship. China’s foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the grounded ship had been “properly handled” after towing away. But Philippine officials said china had stationed several ships near a disputed atoll in the South China Sea, preventing Filipino fishermen from accessing traditional fishing grounds. China deployed up to seven ships to Quirino atoll, […]

Qatar’s population reaches 2.5M due to foreign workers

QATAR, Middle East – The population of the Middle Eastern kingdom of Qatar reached 2.5 million due to the large number of foreign workers, according to the Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics.Making up 90%, an overwhelming majority of the country’s workforce is made up of foreigners. Filipinos make the second largest group of foreign workers in Qatar which is the third most popular destination of overseas Filipino workers in the Middle East. (Eagle News […]

Part of missing Malaysian Airlines plane found in Africa

KUALA Lumpur, Malaysia – A part of a Boeing 777 similar to the missing MH370 of the Malaysian Airlines was sent to Malaysia. According to United States officials, the horizontal stabilizer skin was found in Mozambique, Africa. (Eagle News Service Described by Jay Paul Carlos, Video Editing by Dexter Magno, Uploaded by MRFaith Bonalos)

Life returns to normal after huge quake strikes off Indonesia

PADANG, Indonesia (Reuters) — People in the Indonesian city of Padang were back at the market on Thursday (March 3), returning to normal life after a massive quake struck on Wednesday (March 2) evening, which created and forced residents to flee to higher ground. The quake struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, a region devastated by the 2004 Indian Ocean quake and tsunami, but initial fears of another region-wide disaster faded as tsunami warnings […]

WHO delivers medical supplies to besieged Syrian town

SAHNAYA, Syria (Reuters) — The World Health Organization (WHO) delivered urgently needed medicines to the besieged Syrian city of Mouadamiya on Wednesday (March 2), a spokesperson said. Mouadamiya, on the southwestern edge of Damascus, has been under the control of opposition armed groups since mid-2012. Syrian government forces surrounded it in 2013 but began allowing aid access in mid-2014 under a local deal. However, government forces closed the only entry point on Dec. 26 last […]