
Trump slams opponents at rally in Las Vegas

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday (January 21) called out fellow presidential hopefuls, slamming Republican rival Jeb Bush for an attack ad that says the real estate mogul would lose to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the general election, criticizing Senator Ted Cruz and calling Bernie Sanders “a wacko”. Trump made the comments at a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. The billionaire businessman called Bush “a lost soul” and a “poor, pathetic, low-energy […]

Mexico, Central American countries OK plan for stranded Cubans

Mexico and Central American countries approved a plan on Wednesday (January 20) for more flights that would allow thousands of Cubans stranded in Costa Rica to continue on to the United States. Regional governments meeting in Guatemala earlier this week deemed as a “success” the first pilot trip last week, when 180 Cubans flew to El Salvador, took a bus to Mexico and received transit visas to go to the U.S. border. Costa Rica’s Deputy […]

East Coast braces for epic snowstorm

Washington D.C., New York and other East Coast cities readied fleets of snow plows, thousands of flights were canceled or delayed and residents stocked up on groceries on Thursday ahead of a winter storm expected to dump up to 30 inches (76 cm) of snow on the region. At least five states had declared emergencies by Thursday afternoon, as the season’s first major Atlantic Coast storm started to move over the Mid-South before barreling on […]

ECB keeps key interest rate unchanged

A nail-biting time it certainly is – and if traders in Frankfurt were hoping for a magic rabbit from the European Central Bank (ECB) – they didn’t get it. But they did get a promise – after interest rates were held again at record low levels. MARIO DRAGHI, EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK PRESIDENT: “It will therefore be necessary to review and possibly reconsider our monetary policy stance at our next meeting in early March.” The market crash […]

Russian rouble plummets to new low as oil slumps

The rouble slumped to new all-time lows on Thursday (January 21) as speculative pressure on the currency built, piling pressure on policymakers and reinforcing fears about the fragility of the commodity-dependent economy. Pushed down by a collapse in global prices of oil that has soured sentiment for Russian assets, the rouble broke through 83 roubles per dollar for the first time before later slumping to 86 per dollar. Chief economist with Alfa Bank, Natalia Orlova, […]

CDC issues guidelines for pregnant women during Zika outbreak

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention on Thursday (January 21) discussed new guidelines for doctors caring for pregnant women who might have been exposed to Zika virus, a mosquito-borne infection that can cause brain damage in a developing fetus. The new guidelines, first reported by Reuters, include a warning to pregnant women to avoid travel to 14 countries and territories in the Caribbean and Latin America affected by the virus. They include: […]

Last year was hottest on record globally -U.S. science agencies

Last year’s global average temperature was the hottest ever by the widest margin on record, two U.S. government agencies said on Wednesday (January 20), adding to pressure for deep greenhouse gas emissions cuts scientists say are needed to arrest warming that is disrupting the global climate. Data from U.S. space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that in 2015, the average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces was 1.62 degrees […]

Thai authorities arrest three activists, abduct student leader

Thai authorities arrested a group of activists wanted for attempting to demonstrate against the military last month, police said on Thursday, the latest arrest of dissidents in the junta-ruled country. Soldiers detained one student activist from the New Democracy opposition group late on Wednesday and police arrested a further three members of the group on Thursday (January 21). They were the latest arrests by the army, which took power in a May 2014 coup and […]

Intensive military operations continue at Russian airbase in Syria

Military operations have been carried out continuously at Russia’s Hmeymim airbase in the Syrian city of Latakia, with the roar of aircraft a common occurrence since Russian forces arrived last September. With Mi-24 attack helicopters hovering over the airbase, fighter jets from the Sukhoi-designed fleet, including the Russian Air Force’s latest Su-34 model, have been taking off from the base to conduct airstrikes against terrorist targets in the war-stricken country. “The Russian air force has […]

Protesters breach Moldovan parliament after new premier appointed

Protesters forced their way into the Moldovan parliament demanding snap elections on Wednesday (January 20), after lawmakers appointed the country’s third prime minister in less than a year in a bid to end months of political deadlock. Waving flags and shouting slogans, a dozen protesters scuffled with police in riot gear and accused lawmakers who appointed Pavel Filip, a member of the main pro-European coalition, of being traitors. Police later secured the building and the […]

Tunisian police clash with unemployment protesters in Kasserine

Jobless protesters clashed with police on Wednesday (January 20) in the central Tunisian city of Kasserine as anger over rising unemployment in the North African country triggered demonstrations in the capital Tunis and several other cities. At least one policeman was killed in Feriana after he was attacked by protesters, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry said. Large crowds burned tyres and chanted: “Work, freedom, dignity” during a second day of demonstrations that erupted in […]

Syrians displaced by fighting returns home in south Damascus

Hundreds of Syrian families displaced by armed conflicts returned to their homes in south Damascus on Wednesday as part of a truce between the government and local rebels reached last year. About 4,000 residents of Qadam Municipality, who fled the fighting in the last three years, returned to their hometown on the buses provided by the government. “I feel so happy. How I wish that all Syrians could go back to their homes and that […]