
World reacts to lifting of Iran sanctions

Since the European Union and the United States on Saturday announced the lifting of their nuclear-related sanctions on Iran, members of the international community have been voicing their opinions about the historic event. The White House hailed the historic deal, saying it is the best solution available to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon without taking military action. “Now that Iran’s actions have been verified, it can begin to receive relief from certain nuclear […]

U.S. prisoners leave Iran, arrive in Germany, as Obama hails win for diplomacy

Three Iranian-Americans arrived in Germany after leaving Tehran on Sunday in a prisoner swap that followed the lifting of most international sanctions on Iran under a deal U.S. President Barack Obama said cut off Tehran’s path to a nuclear bomb. In a sign of sustained readiness to track Iranian compliance with remaining United Nations curbs, the United States imposed fresh sanctions on 11 companies and individuals for supplying Iran’s ballistic missile program. The Obama administration […]

Roadmap, responsibilities to be discussed at 2nd meeting on Afghan peace process

Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and the United States will discuss roadmap details and participants’ responsibilities for the Afghan peace process when they meet in Kabul on Monday for a second round of four-nation talks, according to an Afghan official and a political analyst. Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Hekmat Khalil Karzai, who is leading the Afghan delegation at the talks, said the second round meeting will emphasize the details of a peace roadmap shared at the first […]

Iraqi forces evacuate hundreds of terrified civilians of Ramadi

Waving white flags, civilians, mostly women and children emerged from houses in Ramadi’s eastern district of Sufiya where Iraqi government forces were still battling militants of the Islamic State holed up on Saturday (January 16). Iraq’s elite counter-terrorism forces recaptured the district on Saturday (January 16) , evacuating hundreds of residents who had been hiding for around 10 days, steering them to safety through streets mined with explosives and then providing food and drink. “We […]

Nuclear sanctions lifted as Iran, U.S. agree on prisoner swap

Iran emerged from years of economic isolation on Saturday when world powers lifted crippling sanctions against the Islamic Republic in return for Tehran complying with a deal to curb its nuclear ambitions. In a dramatic move scheduled to coincide with the scrapping of the sanctions, Tehran also announced the release of five Americans including Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian as part of a prisoner swap with the United States. Together, the lifting of sanctions and […]

Monitor: ISIS kidnaps 400 civilians in Syrian city of Deir al-Zor

Islamic State militants kidnapped at least 400 civilians when they attacked government-held areas in the eastern Syrian city of Deir al-Zor on Saturday, a monitoring group said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday families of pro-government fighters were among those abducted. “There is genuine fear for their lives, there is a fear that the group might execute them as it has done before in other areas,” said the Observatory’s head Rami Abdulrahamn. […]

Japan, U.S. and Sokor officials agree sanctions vs Nokor

Japan, U.S., and South Korean officials agreed on Saturday (January 16) to work together on new sanctions against North Korea after the isolated state said it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said the country conducted a hydrogen bomb test as a self-defensive step against a U.S. threat of nuclear war and had a sovereign right to do so without being criticized, state news agency KCNA had reporter earlier […]

Taiwan opposition wins presidency, China ties could suffer

Taiwan’s independence-leaning opposition leader Tsai Ing-wen won the island’s presidential election on Saturday (January 16) after the ruling party admitted defeat, a result likely to usher in a new round of uncertainty with giant neighbour China. Vote counting started immediately after eight hours of polling in the island’s presidential and parliamentary elections on Saturday, with the tally carefully scrutinised by observers. Real-time vote tallies on screens at the Taiwan Central Election Commission offices showed Tsai […]

Burkina troops retake hotel from Islamists, rescue hostages

Burkina Television (RTB) showed security forces during the operation to end a siege at Ouagadougou Splendid Hotel by al Qaeda fighters to the sound of explosions and heavy gunfire on Saturday morning (January 16). A military armoured emergency vehicle drove several times to the side of the hotel during the operation to rescue hostages. Three Islamist gunmen were killed during the operation to retake the hotel which freed 126 hostages, the West African nation’s security […]

Dozens feared exposed as Sierra Leone confirms new Ebola death

(Reuters) A woman who died of Ebola this week in Sierra Leone potentially exposed dozens of other people to the disease, according to an aid agency report on Friday, raising the risk of more cases just as the deadliest outbreak on record appeared to be ending. Just a day earlier, the World Health Organization (WHO) had declared that “all known chains of transmission have been stopped in West Africa” after Liberia joined Sierra Leone and […]

Security forces battle Islamist gunmen holding hostages in hotel

(Reuters) — Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) said on Friday (January 15) it was responsible for an ongoing attack on a hotel in Burkina Faso’s capital of Ouagadougou, SITE Intelligence Group reported. A senior member of the ultra hardline group had called in December for Muslims in several countries, including Burkina Faso, to wage jihad. AQIM, along with two other groups, also claimed responsibility for killing 20 people and taking hostages in the […]

Swedish PM vows to fight for women’s rights in wake of assault cover-up allegations

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said on Wednesday (January 13) that anyone found guilty of sexual assault should be punished, after allegations of a police cover-up. On Monday (January 11), Swedish police ordered an investigation into allegations that officers covered up accusations of sexual assault by mostly migrant youths at a music festival in Stockholm. The announcement was made after internal police reports published in Swedish media said around 50 suspects carried out sexual assaults […]