
Islamist militants in Syria renew threats to Russia

Islamist militants said to be in the northwestern Syrian province of Latakia appeared to repeat threats against Russian forces and the Syrian army on Wednesday (December 2) in a video posted on a social media site. A group of militants stood for the camera to threaten Russian forces whose intervention in Syria has appeared to alter the dynamics of the conflict on the ground and given a boost to forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar […]

Russia says has proof Turkey main consumer of Islamic State oil

(Reuters) Russia’s defence ministry said on Wednesday it had proof that Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and his family were benefiting from the illegal smuggling of oil from Islamic State-held territory in Syria and Iraq. Moscow and Ankara have been locked in a war of words since last week when a Turkish air force jet shot down a Russian warplane near the Syrian-Russian border, the most serious incident between Russia and a NATO state in half […]

‘Ghost boats’ and corpses wash up in Japan

Fishing boats carrying decomposed corpses have washed ashore in Japan in recent weeks, leading to speculation they are rickety North Korean vessels that have strayed dangerously far from port under the impoverished nation’s push to boost its catch. There has been no mention from secretive North Korea of any missing boats, but its leader, Kim Jong Un, has put a high priority on fishing as a way of earning foreign currency and providing a sustainable […]

U.S. sending new force to Iraq to hit ISIS

(REUTERS) The United States said on Tuesday it was deploying a new force of special operations troops to Iraq to conduct raids against Islamic State there and in neighboring Syria, in a ratcheting up of Washington’s campaign against the group. U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said the deployment of the new “specialized expeditionary targeting force” was being carried out in coordination with Iraq’s government and would aid Iraqi government security forces and Kurdish peshmerga forces. […]

Prince Harry meets young surfers on Africa tour

As part of his four-day tour of Africa, Prince Harry met with disadvantaged young children surfing on the beach in Durban on Tuesday (December 1). Prince Harry, who is on the tour to promote his charitable work in the region, had already met with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and visited various other charitable organizations on the trip to South Africa and Lesotho. On Tuesday, Prince Harry went to the beach and met with children learning to […]

Japan resumes whale hunts in the name of science

Japan‘s whaling fleet set out for the Antarctic on Tuesday (December 1) to resume a decades-old whale hunt, defying global outrage, after a year’s hiatus due to an international court ruling. Japan aims to take more than 300 whales in its “scientific whaling” programme before the hunt ends next year. “Many of our citizens are celebrating your trip out to sea,” said Tomoaki Nakao, the mayor of the western city of Shimonoseki that is home […]

Obama: climate change an economic, security imperative

U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the world needs an enduring framework for addressing climate change and that he would seek an agreement that would boost economies as well as help the planet’s environment. A strong climate pact would send a signal to researchers and investors that change is necessary and will spur energy innovation, Obama said at a news conference at the U.N. global climate summit in Paris. Obama said he expected the […]

Condemning attacks, leaders in Paris make careful leap to climate change

(Reuters) For world leaders attending a long-planned climate summit in Paris just weeks after 130 people were killed by Islamic State militants in the French capital, addressing the coincidental convergence of global warming and terrorism was unavoidable. In a series of some 150 opening speeches at the heavily guarded facility on the outskirts of Paris, most heads of state and prime ministers offered condolences to their French hosts, pivoting quickly, sometimes awkwardly, to the climate […]

President Obama to help fix climate change

United States President Barack Obama on Monday, November 30 said in the 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21) for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that the United States will help to fix climate change. Obama said a growing threat of climate change could define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other. United States is the world’s second biggest greenhouse gas emitter.

China, Russia to strengthen cooperation against terrorism

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Paris on Monday in a meeting following the plenary session of the UN conference for climate change. The two presidents exchanged views on bilateral relations and discussed other issues of international and regional interest. Xi said the China-Russia bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership is developing at a steady pace and he believes it necessary for the two leaders to hold frequent meetings in order to […]

President Aquino calls for global unity to address climate change

President Benigno S. Aquino III on Monday called for global solidarity in addressing climate change saying every country must commit to reduce green house gas emissions and build resilient communities. In his keynote address during the Climate Vulnerable Forum High-Level Event, President Aquino said current debates focus on the question on who among the countries should be doing what but now it must shift to the contributions of individual countries. President Aquino attended on Monday […]

Hollande, Ban open Paris climate conference

World leaders launched an ambitious attempt on Monday (November 30) to hold back the earth’s rising temperatures, with French President Francois Hollande saying no international summit has ever had such high stakes. Some 150 heads of state, including big emitters U.S. President Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, will urge each other to find common cause in two weeks of bargaining to steer the global economy away from its dependence on fossil fuels. […]