
Syrian army recpatures villages in Latakia

The Syrian army has recaptured several villages in the northern countryside of Latakia province in cooperation with Russian airstrikes, a general said on state TV on Monday (October 12). “In the northern suburbs of Latakia a group of our forces regained control of the villages of Jub al-Ahmar, Kafar Delbeh, Jourat al-Battikh valley and Rwayset Khandak Jamo. The forces are continuing their advances and are regaining control of the southeastern borders of Salma village,” the […]

Dutch Safety Board set to say MH17 downed by Russian-made missile

The Dutch Safety Board, issuing long-awaited findings on Tuesday (October 13) of its investigation into the crash of a Malaysian passenger plane over eastern Ukraine, is expected to say it was downed by a Russian-made Buk missile but not say who was responsible for firing it. MH17 was shot down over territory held by pro-Russia rebels in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing all 298 people aboard, most of them Dutch citizens. Experts and […]

Two firefighters killed, two injured after an apartment building on fire collapsed in Kansas City – media

Two firefighters were killed another two firefighters have been injured while battling an apartment building fire in Kansas City, Missouri on Monday (October 12) night, NBC reported. The fire reportedly broke out just after 7:30 p.m. on Independence Avenue and within 20 minutes, firefighters had to order the evacuation of the building. “When we arrived on the scene we had two individuals in the structure that we had to clear out of the structure from […]

Funeral ceremony held for victim of suicide bomb attack in Ankara

Funeral ceremony was held on Sunday (October 11) for Ismail Kizilcay, one of the victims killed in a double suicide bombing in Ankara that left up to 128 people dead. Mourners gathered in Kocaeli province for the burial of Kizilcay, who was killed on Saturday (October 10) in the capital Ankara at a rally by pro-Kurdish and leftist activists, just three weeks before an election. The attacks have shocked a nation beset by resurgent conflict […]

Thousands attend rally in Ankara to mourn bombing victims

  Thousands of people gathered for a rally in Ankara on Sunday to mourn nearly 100 victims killed a day earlier in the worst terrorist attack in Turkey’s modern history. The rally took place at noon in the heart of the capital city of Turkey to condemn the twin suicide bombings that claimed at least 95 lives at Ankara train station. The casualty count is expected to rise as dozens of victims remain in intensive […]

White House says if U.S. sails ships near disputed islands, it should not provoke China

The United States is considering sailing warships close to China’s artificial islands in the West Philippine Sea or South China Sea to signal it does not recognize Chinese territorial claims over the area, a U.S. defense official said on Thursday (October 8). The Financial Times newspaper cited a senior U.S. official as saying U.S. ships would sail within 12-nautical-mile zones that China claims as territory around islands it has built in the Spratly chain, within […]

China completes construction of lighthouses in disputed South China Sea

China completed the construction of two lighthouses in the disputed South China Sea on Friday (October 9), the official Xinhua news agency reported, as tensions in the region mount over Beijing’s maritime ambitions. A completion ceremony was held for the lighthouses on Cuateron Reef and Johnson South Reef in the Spratly islands on late Friday, the official Xinhua news agency said. The United States and the Philippines have opposed the construction. State broadcaster CCTV showed […]

Iraqi coalition forces strike IS targets in Anbar, south of Kirkuk

    (Reuters) — Iraq said on Sunday (October 11), its air force had targeted and destroyed positions of the Islamic State in the western Sunni heartland of Anbar. A statement released by the Ministry of Defence said its aircraft conducted three successful airstrikes on IS targets, two of them in Dijla operation sectors and the third one in al-Jazeera wa al-Badiya area, destroying IS militants positions, inflicting heavy material losses and killing IS militants. […]

Maids in Saudi Arabia involved in assaults – interior ministry

    (Reuters) — The Saudi interior ministry said on Sunday (October 11) that house maids in the kingdom were more often the perpetrators, rather than victims, of assault. The statement came amid recent accusations by an Indian maid that her Saudi employer chopped off her arm. India’s foreign ministry called on Saudi Arabia on Friday to ensure swift justice for the woman, who was shown on television lying in a Riyadh hospital with a […]

Isolated North Korea marks anniversary

(Reuters) — Isolated North Korea marked the 70th anniversary of its ruling Workers’ Party on Saturday (October 10) with a massive military parade overseen by leader Kim Jong Un and a senior Chinese official who had delivered President Xi Jinping’s call for stronger ties. Thousands of troops stood at attention in perfect formation under a blue autumn sky in Pyongyang’s main Kim Il Sung Square, named after Kim Jong Un’s grandfather and the founder of […]

Twin bombs kill at least in 95 in Turkish capital Ankara

UPDATED (Eagle News) — Twin explosions outside the main train station in the Turkish capital Ankara killed at least 95 people on Saturday (October 20) as hundreds gathered for a peace rally, in what government officials described as a terrorist attack. Ambulances rushed to the scene where bodies were lying scattered on the ground, while security forces evacuated the area as crowds of people gathered. At least 95 bodies were covered by flags and banners, […]

Australia, Philippines negotiating asylum seeker transfer deal

Australia is negotiating a deal with the Philippines to transfer asylum seekers being held indefinitely in controversial detention centres on remote, impoverished islands, Australia’s immigration minister said on Friday (October 9). Asylum seekers have long been a contentious political issue in Australia, although it has never received anywhere near the number of refugees currently flooding into Europe as they flee conflict in the Middle East and North Africa. Successive Australian governments have vowed to stop […]