
Islamic State destroys ancient shrines in Syria’s Palmyra city

JUNE 24 (Reuters) — Islamic State militants have blown up two ancient shrines they consider sacrilegious in Palmyra, a 2,000-year-old UNESCO World Heritage site in central Syria, the ultra hardline Sunni Muslim group said on Tuesday (June 23). The report was the first of any damage being done by the militants to buildings in Palmyra since they seized control of the city, also known as Tadmur, in May. Syrian forces have bombed the city, and […]

China warns Japan and Philippines not to hype up tension

JUNE 24 (Reuters) — Beijing on Tuesday (June 23) urged Tokyo and Manila not to create tensions in the region after a Japanese military patrol plane circled over disputed parts of the South China Sea at the start of an exercise with the Philippine military that has irked China. According to Japanese and Philippine officials, the Japanese P3-C Orion surveillance plane, with three Filipino guest crew members, flew at 5,000 feet (1,524 m) above the […]

South Korea’s “Peter Pan”

JUNE 23 (Reuters) — Known as the “Peter Pan” of South Korea, Shin Hyomyung looks like a 12-year old despite being actually 26 years old due to an uncommon health condition. (SEOUL, South Korea) (Eagle News Service Jay Paul Carlos, Jericho Morales, MRFaith Bonalos)

Typhoon Kujira lands in south China’s Hainan Province

JUNE 23 (Reuters) — Typhoon Kujira landed in south China’s island province of Hainan Monday evening, bringing heavy rain to the drought-hit island. The storm landed in the coastal city of Wanning at 18:50 Monday, packing winds of up to 90 kilometers per hour, said the Hainan Meteorological Service. Kujira weakened into a tropical storm about one hour after its landing in Hainan. It moved northwestward at a speed of 15 km per hour. It […]

Tunisia marks World Music Day

(Reuters) Hundreds of revellers descended on one of Tunis’s main streets to watch musicians take to the stage as part of World Music Day, also known as Fête de la musique. The event on Sunday (June 21) marks the first day of Summer and the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The wide Habib Bourguiba Avenue avenue was cleared of traffic allowing people to soak up the atmosphere and dance the night […]

Graffiti Catcher

(Reuters) Sydney is deploying a high-tech system that literally sniffs out vandals on its rail network. The CEO of Sydney Trains, Howard Collins, calls the new system Mousetrap. “So our new operation, Mousetrap, is what it says it does. It detects, covertly, people vandalising our trains,” he said. When a graffiti attack is taking place, a sensor in the carriage acts like an electronic nose, detecting the presence of paint fumes. An alarm is sent […]

Amber Diggers

(Reuters) A group of men wearing mudded khaki pants and rubber boots are digging into hard clay with their shovels at the bottom of a pit in Russia’s Kaliningrad region some 1200 km (750 miles) west of Moscow. The men are searching for amber – 50-million-year-old fossilized tree resin. Kaliningrad region, enclaved between Lithuania and Poland on the Baltic Sea shore, is home for 90 percent of world’s amber deposits and some of them lay just […]

South Korea reports three new MERS cases, bringing total to 175

JUNE 23 (Reuters) — South Korea’s health ministry reported three new cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) on Tuesday (June 23), taking the total to 175 in an outbreak that is still the largest outside Saudi Arabia but which is seen to have leveled off. “As of now, the total number of confirmed MERS cases is 175. Total 94 patients are undergoing treatment, 54 people have been discharged from hospital and 27 people have […]

Bodies pile up in Karachi mortuary as death toll from Pakistan heat wave rises

JUNE 23 (Reuters) — An intense three-day heat wave has killed around 300 people in Pakistan’s southern Sindh province, mortuary officials in Karachi said on Monday (June 22). Authorities were forced to declare a state of emergency after the electricity grid crashed and bodies started to stack up in the morgues. Temperatures soared to 44 degrees Celsius (111 Fahrenheit) on Saturday (June 20) and hovered at 43 degrees Celsius (109 Fahrenheit) on Sunday (June 21), […]

Hordes of red crabs wash up on Southern California beaches

(Reuters) Hundreds of thousands of tiny crabs have been washing up on Southern California beaches, marring the sandy coastline with streaks of red, as warm ocean currents carry them farther north and closer to shore than usual. The red tuna crabs have been dying in hordes on beaches from San Diego to Orange County, although some have been washed back out to sea alive. Such strandings take place periodically and are not necessarily a threat to […]

EU – Philippines Trade at record high of €12.5 billion

MANILA – The European Union Delegation released its new EU-Philippines fact file, which describes and analyses economic trends in EU-Philippines relations with updated statistics of 2014. In 2014, EU – Philippines trade in goods increased to historic highs by 16% to €12.5 billion, while trade in services increased even stronger, by 17%, to €3.1 billion. This trade resulted in a surplus of €1.1 billion in goods for the EU and a surplus in services’ trade of […]