
China says others should stay out of South China Sea debate after U.S. island construction comments

JUNE 18 (Reuters) — China told other countries to stay out of the South China Sea debate on Wednesday (June 17) after the U.S. State Department said China’s island reclamation announcement would not ease tensions in the disputed region. China will soon complete some of its land reclamation on the Spratly islands in the disputed South China Sea, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday (June 16), indicating that Beijing is close to setting up new […]

Arizona residents are evacuated as wildfire grows

JUNE 18 (Reuters) — A wildfire that started Tuesday (June 17) in the Arizona Mountains southeast of Phoenix has already burned some 50-acres. The so-called ‘Kearny River fire’ is burning in the riverbed of the Gila River. Officials say 25 structures are threatened and evacuations are now in effect for 100 homes. About 100 personnel are battling the blaze and authorities have ordered helicopter and air support. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

IS claims car bombing attacks against Houthi in Yemen’s capital, 18 killed

JUNE 18 (Reuters-CCTV) — The Islamic States (IS) group said Wednesday that it carried out four car bombing attacks against the Shiite Houthi group in Yemen’s capital of Sanaa, killing at least 18 people and injuring dozens. IS said in a statement posted on Twitter that its soldiers used four car bombs in the attacks against the Houthi sites, one outside the office of the Houthi political bureau, the highest decision making body, in northern […]

South Korea conducts experimental treatment on MERS-CoV patient

JUNE 17 (Eagle News) — The government of South Korea initiates the conducting of blood plasma experimental treatment on patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Said experimental treatment was formerly used on patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and the results were positive resulting in a lessening of the death rate. (Seoul, South Korea) (Eagle News Service Jay Paul Carlos, Jericho Morales, MRFaith Bonalos)

Donald Trump will run for presidency in 2016

JUNE 17 — Real estate mogul and TV personality Donald Trump announced on Tuesday (June 16) that he is a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election. The outspoken billionaire, widely seen as having little chance of winning the nomination, will certainly enliven proceedings as he joins an unusually large group of Republicans vying for the presidency. Eleven Republicans have announced they are running for next November’s election, the latest being former […]

Five dead, eight injured in California balcony collapse

JUNE 17 (Reuters) – -Five people including a number of young Irish citizens were killed and eight injured when an apartment balcony collapsed early on Tuesday (June 16) in the Californian city of Berkeley, police and Ireland’s foreign affairs minister said. The survivors’ injuries were “very serious and potentially life-threatening,” Berkeley Police Department spokeswoman Jennifer Coats said. Callers first reported the collapse at the multi-story block in the downtown area of the college city near […]

China to complete land reclamation on part of Nansha Islands soon

JUNE 17 (Reuters –CCTV) — China’s land reclamation project on part of islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands will be completed as planned in the upcoming days, an expert said Tuesday. “China will complete land reclamation project as planned in the upcoming days,” said Wu Shicun, director of the National Institute for South China Sea Studies. He emphasized it’s not because of international pressure. Wu pointed out that apart from satisfying the need of […]

Yemeni Al Qaeda chief killed in U.S. bombing

JUNE 16 (Reuters) — Al Qaeda in Yemen said its leader, Nasser al-Wuhayshi, was killed in a U.S. bombing, in major blow by the United States against the global militant group’s strongest branch. “We as the jihadist Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula mourn to our Islamic Umma the Sheikh the prince, the leader, the ascetic Abu Basir Nasser Bin Abdulkarim al-Wuhayshi, may God rest his soul, who has been killed by an American raid which targeted […]

China says it is about to finish some land reclamation in South China Sea

JUNE 16 (Reuters) — China will soon complete some of its land reclamation on the Spratly islands in the disputed South China Sea, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday (June 16), indicating that Beijing is close to setting up new outposts in the maritime heart of Southeast Asia. The Foreign Ministry did not identify which of the seven reefs undergoing reclamation would be finished soon. Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said their statement was already “quite […]

Australia’s Abbott confident officials acted within the law on asylum seekers’ issue

JUNE 16 (Reuters) — Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott said on Tuesday (June 16) he was confident Australian agencies acted “within the law” as calls grew for an inquiry into reports that officials paid people smugglers thousands of dollars to turn the their boat carrying asylum seekers back to Indonesia. “I am absolutely confident that at all times Australian agencies have acted within the law,” Abbott said. “Does that mean that that did happen?,” asked […]

South Korea sees increase in online shopping amid MERS outbreak

JUNE 16 (Reuters) — South Koreans went online in increasing numbers for their shopping in early June, an economist and online data showed amid the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak in the country. South Korean high street spending fell dramatically in the first week of June as fears over MERS kept shoppers at home, but online purchases rose, government estimates on June 10th showed. South Korea’s health ministry reported four new cases of MERS […]

People injured in Chad attack brought to hospital

JUNE 16 (Reuters) — Hospitals across Chad’s capital struggled to treat 100 people injured in dual attacks on Monday (June 15). At least 27 people were killed, including four suspected Boko Haram Islamist fighters. At the Liberte hospital, the closest to the scene of the blast, some injured people could only be treated on the blood-covered floor as space had run out. Many of the injured were believed to have been at the police training […]