
Islamic State behind Riyadh police deaths, say Saudi authorities

The Saudi Arabian man arrested on suspicion of shooting dead two policemen and injuring two others in separate attacks in Riyadh was acting on instructions from the Islamic State group in Syria, the Interior Ministry said on Friday (April 24). Mohammed Abdulrahman Abu Niyan, 23, has confessed to carrying out the shootings in March and April on behalf of Islamic State, after meeting a representative of the group in the Saudi capital, the ministry said. […]

Turks, Armenians hold vigil in Istanbul to mark 1915 massacre

HUNDREDS of Turks and Armenians held a vigil at Istanbul’s main Taksim square on Friday (April 24), for Armenians killed 100 years ago in what they say was a ‘genocide’, a chargeTurkey vehemently dismisses. Under tight security hundreds of people, including artists and human rights activists, gathered around a special memorial, holding red flowers and lighting up candles. The WWI killings is a defining element of Armenian national identity and is recognised as genocide by […]

Philippine family of death row convict hopeful of last minute pardon in Indonesia

APRIL 24 (Reuters) – The family of Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, a Filipina on death row in Indonesia, said on Friday (April 24) they were hopeful for a last-minute pardon ahead of her planned execution. Veloso, one of the 10 drug convicts who will be facing execution by firing squad, was moved to prison island of Nusakambangan on Friday. “We are still hoping that as long as she’s still alive, God will make a miracle. […]

Thousands of Filipino fishermen, affected by Chinese reclamation

QUEZON City, Philippines, April 24 (Eagle News) – According to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), more than 12, 000 Filipino fishermen are affected by the continuing Chinese reclamation in the West Philippine Sea which destroys the coral reefs which served as the natural habitat of several marine life. (Eagle News Service Jay Paul Carlos, Jericho Morales, MRFaith Bonalos)

Indonesia delays execution of death sentence

APRIL 24 – The execution of death sentence against Mary Jane Veloso and others was postponed by the Indonesian government in deference to the World Economic Forum and the Africa-Asia Summit, both of which are currently being held in Indonesia. (Jakarta, Indonesia) (Eagle News Service Jay Paul Carlos, Jericho Morales, MRFaith Bonalos)

Activists and family of Filipino on death row appeal for clemency

More than a hundred activists gathered outside the Indonesian Embassy in Manila on Friday (April 24) to appeal for clemency pending the execution of a Filipino national in Indonesia. Mary Jane Veloso, a mother of two children, was arrested with 2.6 kilograms of heroin at Yogyakarta airport in 2010. Her plea for presidential clemency and judicial review were rejected. Migrant rights activists accompanied several family members in front of the embassy gate, carrying placards and […]

Denmark’s Eco-warrior cleans river

APRIL 24 — A 37-years old Danish artist turned Eco-warrior showed his love for the environment when he single-handedly cleaned a river and through his efforts turned said river trash-free. (Rotterdam, Denmark) (Eagle News Service Jay Paul Carlos, Jericho Morales, MRFaith Bonalos)

Philippines makes humanitarian appeal for death row inmate in Indonesia

APRIL 24 — Philippines Vice President, Jejomar Binay said on Thursday (April 23) that he had made an appeal for mercy on behalf of a Filipina currently on death row in Indonesia. Mary Jane Veloso, a mother of two children, was arrested with 2.6 kilograms of heroin at Yogyakarta airport in 2010. Her plea for presidential clemency and judicial review were rejected. Binay, who was in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta, for the Asia-Africa conference met his […]

Obama admits hostages killed in raid

U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday (April 23) apologized for a counterterrorism operation in January that accidentally killed two aid workers held hostage by al Qaeda, American Warren Weinstein and Italian Giovanni Lo Porto. “As a husband and as a father, I cannot begin to imagine the anguish that the Weinstein and Lo Porto families are enduring today,” Obama told reporters, with a deep sigh, saying he took responsibility for the deaths and has ordered […]

WHO warns of imminent collapse of health care services in Yemen

APRIL 23, 2015 (WHO) — The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of an imminent collapse of health care services in Yemen. Health facilities are struggling to function as they face increasing shortages of life-saving medicines and vital health supplies, frequent disruptions in power supply and lack of fuel for generators. Lack of fuel has also disrupted functionality of ambulances and the delivery of health supplies across the country. Power cuts and fuel shortages also threaten […]

Ocean Wealth Valued at USD 24 Trillion, But Sinking Fast

THE value of the ocean’s riches rivals the size of the world’s leading economies, but its resources are rapidly eroding, according to a report released by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) on Thursday (April 23). The report, Reviving the Ocean Economy: The case for action – 2015, analyses the ocean’s role as an economic powerhouse and outlines the threats that are moving it toward collapse. The value of key ocean assets is conservatively estimated […]