
Cyber attack of NoKor is not an Act of War – Obama

United States President Barack Obama said that the massive hacking of Sony Pictures was “not an act of war” on North Korea which it suspected for hacking the controversial movie, “The Interview.” For several years now, North Korea has been on the radar of the U.S. long been on the wrong side of the United States.  Whatever tension there was between the two has just become more severe. The recent massive hacking of movie giant, […]

North Korea suffers Internet outage, hacking may be to blame, says U.S. expert

(Reuters) – North Korea experienced Internet outages on Monday, a U.S. company that monitors Internet infrastructure said, adding that the reason for the problems was not known. “For the past 24 hours North Korea’s connectivity to the outside world has been progressively getting degraded to the point now that they are totally offline,” said Doug Madory, director of Internet analysis at New Hampshire-based Dyn Research. “There’s either a benign explanation – their routers are perhaps […]

U.N.: Children maimed, raped, tortured, killed in 2014

The United Nations children’s agency UNICEF has declared 2014 a devastating year for children, with as many as 15 million caught in conflicts in Central African Republic, Iraq,South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and the Palestinian territories. UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake said earlier this month the high number of crises meant many of them were quickly forgotten or failed to capture global headlines, such as inAfghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. […]

Bombs in north Nigeria bus station, market kill 27

(Reuters) – Two bomb attacks at a bus station and a market in north Nigeria on Monday killed at least 27 people and wounded around 60, officials said. No group immediately claimed responsibility for either attack. Boko Haram insurgents have repeatedly set off bombs targeting civilians, especially in the northeast where they are trying to carve out an Islamic state. The first one, in the city of Gombe, involved two explosions in quick succession. “The […]

Over 15,000 gather in Dresden for latest anti-immigration demo – police

Anti-immigration movement PEGIDA gathered in Dresden on Monday (December 22) for the latest in a series of public actions criticising the German government for ignoring its fears of being overrun by Muslims. According to police estimates, 17,500 demonstrators from the grass-rootsmovement staged a rally in front of the city’s Semperoper opera house, waving flags and holding banners reading: “Against religious fanaticism”. Grass-roots movement PEGIDA, or Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West, has drawn […]

Nokor wants joint U.S.-Nokor investigation into Sony hack, U.S. calls it “absurd”

(Reuters) – Washington’s U.N. envoy on Monday dismissed as absurd North Korean demands for a joint U.S.-North Korean investigation of the hacking of Sony Pictures and threats of retaliation if the United States refused. “It is exactly the kind of behavior we have come to expect from a regime that threatened to take ‘merciless countermeasures’ against the U.S. over a Hollywood comedy, and has no qualms about holding tens of thousands of people in harrowing […]

China condemns cyberattacks, but says no proof Nokor hacked Sony

China said on Monday (December 22) that it opposed all forms of cyber attacks but there was no proof yet that North Korea was responsible for the hacking of Sony Pictures, as charged by the United States. It also made no reference to any joint action with the United States or other nations to counter any similar cyberattacks. “We resolutely oppose all forms of cyberattacks and cyber terrorism. Meanwhile, we also oppose any country or […]

NASA prepares for next phase of Hubble successor

Inside a sealed, airtight clean room at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,Maryland, an international of team scientists and engineers all dressed in white jumpsuits is building what its members hope will provide a deeper look into space than ever before, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). “The James Webb Space Telescope is the scientific successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. It’s really the next big space telescope that is being built, so it […]

UN chief Ban Ki-moon praises Ebola health workers

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, two days back from visiting Ebola areas of Africa, said today the disease remains an emergency but affected nations should “avoid travel restrictions, border closures and other counter-productive obstacles.” Ban who visited Mali Guinea Liberia, and Sierra Leone last week and left from Ghana Saturday night, told reporters upon arrival at the UN headquarters, “My presence in the office today is meant to send an important message: where people show no […]

U.N. council overrides China to add Nokor to agenda

Members of the U.N. Security Council on Monday (December 22) voted to override China’s objections and formally add the situation in North Korea, including allegations of grave human rights abuses, to the council’s agenda. There were 11 votes in favor, two against and two abstentions. Veto powers Russia and China voted against the inclusion of North Korea on the council’s agenda, but as there are no vetoes in procedural votes of the council, the Chinese […]

New York mayor calls for pause in protests after police killings

(Reuters) – New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio sought to ease tensions with the police force on Monday, calling for a suspension of protests against the use of excessive force until after the funerals of two officers killed by a gunman over the weekend. De Blasio, a Democrat who has come under intense criticism from some police unions for his handling of protests over police killings of unarmed black men, asked the city to […]

Japan Condemns Sony Hacking

Japan on Monday (December 22) strongly condemned a cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment that the United States has blamed on North Korea, and said it was maintaining close contact with Washington on the matter. Japan’s top government spokesman Cabinet Secretary General Yoshihide Suga told reporters in a news conference that they would “coordinate closely with the United States on this incident.” He also expressed Japan’s support for measures being undertaken by the United States. […]