
Hong Kong police begin removing protesters’ barricades in some Central areas

Police in Hong Kong removed baricades erected by pro-democracy protesters but said protesters continue to remain in the streets.    (Reuters) — Hong Kong police on Monday (October 13) removed some barricades erected by pro-democracy protesters in the Chinese-controlled city, but said protesters could remain on the streets they have occupied for the past two weeks. At the main protest site, near government offices in the downtown district of Admiralty, scores of student protesters faced off with […]

Spanish authorities still hopeful for Ebola nurse’s recovery

(Reuters) — Spanish health authorities said on Sunday (October 12) there is still hope for Teresa Romero, the Spanish nurse who tested positive for the deadly virus a week ago. The 44-year-old nurse was conscious and sitting unaided on Saturday (October 11), as three more people joined 12 others hospitalized in Madrid for monitoring. “The amount of the virus Teresa has seems to be lowering. It is important to believe there is hope regarding her case. We have […]

U.S. military faces new kind of threat with Ebola

BY PHIL STEWART (Reuters) – At Fort Campbell in Kentucky, spouses of U.S. soldiers headed to Liberia seem to be lingering just a bit longer than usual after pre-deployment briefings, hungry for information about Ebola. For these families, the virus is raising a different kind of anxiety than the one they have weathered during 13 years of ground war in Afghanistan and Iraq. They want to know how the military can keep soldiers safe from the epidemic, a new […]

Texas health worker tests positive for Ebola

BY LISA MARIA GARZA (Reuters) – A health worker in Texas at the hospital where the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States died last week has tested positive for the deadly virus in a preliminary test, the state’s health department said on Sunday. The worker at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital reported a low-grade fever Friday night and was isolated and referred for testing, the Texas Department of State Health Services said […]

U.N. says thousands likely to be massacred if jihadists take Kobani

(Reuters) – Thousands of people most likely will be massacred if Kobani falls to Islamic State fighters, a U.N. envoy said on Friday, as militants fought deeper into the besieged Syrian Kurdish town in full view of Turkish tanks that have done nothing to intervene. U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura said Kobani could suffer the same fate as the Bosnian town of Srebrenica, where 8,000 Muslims were murdered by Serbs in 1995, Europe’s worst atrocity […]

United Nations Celebrates Its Month by Addressing Solutions to Climate Change and Terrorism

“The UN can be a platform for solutions on the ground, not just a place that passes resolutions and negotiates treaties, but actually builds the community of practice that can actually solve the problem,” says Robert Orr, who has served as the principal policy advisor to the UN Secretary-General on issues such as climate change, energy, food security, global health and counter-terrorism. During his interview with the UN News Center, Orr discusses how the United […]

U.S. begins enhanced Ebola screening program at New York’s JFK airport

BY SEBASTIEN MALO (Reuters) – Stepped up efforts by the U.S. to halt the spread of the Ebola virus will start at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport on Saturday, where teams armed with thermal guns and questionnaires will screen travelers from West African countries hit hardest by the outbreak. JFK Airport is the first of five U.S. airports to start enhanced screening of U.S.-bound travelers from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, where most […]

Bali Democracy Forum manifests will of united Asian people, says President Aquino

The democracy forum in Bali manifests People Power, as it harnesses the resolve of the Asian people to attain a free and opportunity-laden region, President Benigno S. Aquino III said on Friday.“What we continue to demonstrate here, I believe, is one of the many manifestations of People Power: of harnessing our united resolve towards a democratic regional community, one where our respective peoples fully enjoy the freedoms borne of democratic aspirations, where our peoples have […]