
Islamist fighters advance in Syria despite U.S. strikes

BY KINDA MAKIEH AND JONNY HOGG (Reuters) – U.S. and coalition planes pounded Islamic State positions in Syria again on Wednesday, but the strikes did not halt the fighters’ advance in a Kurdish area where fleeing refugees told of villages burnt and captives beheaded. U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking at the United Nations, asked the world to join together to fight the militants and vowed to keep up military pressure against them. “The only language […]

Islamist fighters advance in Syria despite U.S. strikes

By Kinda Makieh and Jonny Hogg DAMASCUS/MURSITPINAR Turkey Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:03pm EDT (Reuters) – U.S. and coalition planes pounded Islamic State positions in Syria again on Wednesday, but the strikes did not halt the fighters’ advance in a Kurdish area where fleeing refugees told of villages burnt and captives beheaded. U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking at the United Nations, asked the world to join together to fight the militants and vowed to keep […]

Obama at U.N. pledges steps to more open government

By Ellen Wulfhorst NEW YORK Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:59pm EDT (Reuters) – President Barack Obama pledged on Wednesday that the United States would provide easier access to federal spending information, part of a global effort to create more open governments. Governments that are responsive, transparent and accountable lead to prosperity and opportunity and discourage corruption, Obama said at a meeting of the Open Government Partnership, a group of 64 nations meeting at the United […]

UN Resolution makes it a crime to join ISIS

The United Nations Security Council approved a resolution aiming to stop foreign jihadist fighters from joining ISIS. In a special session lead by United States President Barack Obama and attended by the head of states of the 15-member council, the resolution drafted by America was unanimously adopted. Under said resolution, all countries are obligated to pass laws making it a crime for their citizens to join ISIS.

Shadowy al Qaeda cell, hit by U.S. in Syria, seen as ‘imminent’ threat

(Reuters) – While the world has focused on a U.S.-led air assault on Islamic State strongholds in Syria, American officials said they also struck a blow there against a little-known cadre of hardened al Qaeda militants that posed a more immediate threat to the West. The strikes early on Tuesday on what Washington called the Khorasan Group, so shadowy that U.S. officials had barely uttered its name in public, were staged to disrupt a plot against […]

Obama says global climate deal must include emerging economies

(Reuters) – U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday a new global agreement on climate change must include strong commitments from emerging economies and move past the rich-poor country divide that has hampered progress in United Nations negotiations. Obama addressed the U.N. climate change summit with a statement meant to build political momentum for a global deal on climate change in 2015 and a list of commitments his administration has made to address. He said a “global […]

Aquino urges more active global action vs climate change

(ENS) – President Benigno Aquino addressed the international community at the United Nations (UN) Climate Summit on Tuesday (September 23), urging countries to “do everything they can to address climate change.” The Climate Summit is meant to add political momentum to a U.N. process to negotiate a climate-change agreement in Paris by 2015, and Aquino took this as an opportunity to remind world leaders of their shared responsibility to find a solution to the issue. Aquino said the Philippines, which felt the […]

ASEAN Parliament Commits to Stronger Co-op

(Courtesy ASEAN Secretariat News) VIENTIANE, 23 September 2014 – Taking on the theme “Strengthening Parliamentary Cooperation in the ASEAN Community Building,” the 35th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) was held on 15-19 September in the capital of Lao PDR. It was attended by six Speakers and four Deputy-Speakers of AIPA Member Parliaments, Chairs of Committees of the respective parliaments, and eight Observer Parliaments from Australia, Belarus, People’s Republic of China, India, Japan, Russia, Republic […]

Why cultural values cannot be ignored in international relations

Author: Kadira Pethiyagoda, Canberra Courtesy East Asia Forum One hundred years ago began the war that was supposed to end all wars. This inauspicious centenary has allowed the foreign affairs commentariat to indulge in one of the things it is best at — drawing historical analogies. It is true that aspects of the global landscape look similar to a century ago. States push the boundaries of international law and act unilaterally, returning to old-school territoriality. A major […]