
US President Obama reveals Anti-ISIS strategy

In a televised speech, United States President Barack Obama revealed his strategy against the rebel Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or ISIS. Obama said in his speech that he will crush ISIS who is threatening Syria, Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. The United States will widen the scope of its airstrike against ISIS, targeting suspected hideouts of the said rebel group. The United States will also lead the formation of coalition […]

Shopping mall explosions in Chile

The incident occurred shortly after a subway bombing in the capital city of Santiago, which injured 14. There are no recorded injuries in the shopping center explosion. The bomb used was made from a plastic bottle filled with aluminum and hydrochloric acid and left in a garbage can.

Series of car bombing in Iraq kills 30

In an attack, two vehicles exploded, which immediately resulted in 19 casualties. According to authorities, the attacks started when a suicide bomber put a car full of explosives in a checkpoint wherein it was driven by a traffic police, The explosion killed 5 police and 9 others were injured. After a few seconds, another car bomb exploded in a public market, resulting in 15 dead and 35 injured.

Five children aged two to eight found dead in Alabama

(Reuters) — The decomposed bodies of five children aged between 2 and 8 were found stuffed into garbage bags on Tuesday (September 09) near a logging road in Alabama after their father confessed to killing them and led police to the scene, authorities said. Timothy Ray Jones, the father of the children, did not reveal a motive for the killings, which he confessed to authorities in Mississippi, Smith County Sheriff Charlie Crumpton said. The children, whose names have not been released, were […]

At least 38 people dead after landslide in Kashmir village

(Reuters) — At least 38 people were feared dead after a landslide triggered by heavy rains submerged an entire village in Udhampur district of Kashmir, said a police officer on Monday (September 8). Over 20 houses were buried under the landslide. The administration has recovered seven bodies while 31 people are still missing. Additional Superintendent of police, Khalil Poswal, said rescue operations were underway to trace further survivors or victims within the debris. “An entire village, which had […]

Sotloff not sold to ISIS, according to White House

According to White House spokesman Josh Earnest, the Federal Bureau of Investigation finds no indication that moderate Syrian rebels sold American journalist Steven Sotloff to ISIS, who was recently beheaded in a video released by the Islamist militants. The White House statement was released after Sotloff’s family said that they believe that Sotloff was sold to ISIS for $50, 000 by the Syrian rebels, who gave ISIS the information that said journalist is in the […]

Fiji says 45 peacekeepers held by Syrian rebels to be released soon

(Reuters) – The head of Fiji’s army said on Wednesday that he expected 45 Fijian U.N. peacekeepers seized two weeks ago on the Golan Heights by an al Qaeda-backed militant group, the Nusra Front, to be released within days. “Al Nusra has confirmed to the U.N. headquarters in New York that the Fijian peacekeepers will be released within the next few days,” Brigadier General Mosese Tikoitoga told a media conference in the Fijian capital, Suva. […]

Obama to push through with game plan against ISIS even without Congress report

The world is waiting for United States President Barack Obama’s strategy against the militant ISIS. The US president met with top congressional leaders in the White House to lay out his plans for the said group. The White House legal counsel is trying to find out if the approval of Congress is needed for military operations in Syria. But Obama reiterated to the leaders of the Congress that he will push through with said strategies […]

Explosion in Syria kills 28

Authorities are still investigating an explosion in Syria which killed 28 members of the Islamist insurgent group, Ahrar Al-Sham. Meanwhile, Hassan Aboud, leader of the said group is in critical condition.

Malaysia: Reports suggest MH17 shot down

  (Reuters) – Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 broke apart over Ukraine due to impact from a large number of fragments, the Dutch Safety Board said on Tuesday, in a report that Malaysia’s prime minister and several experts said suggested it was shot down from the ground. The crash over pro-Russian rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine on July 17 killed 298 people, two thirds of them from the Netherlands. Ukraine and Western countries accuse the rebels of shooting it down with an […]

MH17 passenger remains return to Malaysia

(Reuters) — Two more bodies of victims killed when a jetliner was downed in Ukraine in July returned to Malaysia on Tuesday (September 9), ahead of the release of the Dutch Transport Safety Board preliminary report into the downing of the plane. Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 crashed after apparently being struck by a missile over war-tornUkraine on July 17, worsening a year of tragedy for the country following the baffling disappearance of another MAS flight in March. Bodies and wreckage from […]