
Search for Flight MH370 heads to site of first ‘ping’

(Reuters) – An Australian naval vessel carrying an underwater drone involved in the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 left port on Saturday on its second mission to scan part of the Indian Ocean where the longest sonar “ping” was heard over a month ago. The Ocean Shield is heading to the area where a signal was first located and heard for some two hours on April 5, about 1,600 km (1,000 miles) northwest of Perth to […]

Oracle wins copyright ruling against Google over Android

(Reuters) – Oracle Corp won a legal victory against Google Inc on Friday as a U.S. appeals court decided Oracle could copyright parts of the Java programming language, which Google used to design its Android smartphone operating system. The case, decided by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, is being closely watched in Silicon Valley. A high-profile 2012 trial featured testimony from Oracle’s chief executive, Larry Ellison, and Google CEO Larry Page, and the legal issues […]

Kiev tells east Ukraine rebels vote for self-rule would be catastrophe

(Reuters) – Ukrainian acting President Oleksander Turchinov told eastern regions gripped by a pro-Russian uprising that they would be courting catastrophe if they voted “yes” in a separatist referendum on Sunday. Turchinov, who deems the vote in the Russian-speaking Donetsk and Luhansk regions illegal, urged the population to accept “round table” talks on greater autonomy. But, in reference to fighters who have seized police and government buildings, he said “terrorists” could not be included. The […]

Myanmar gets ready to host Asean Summit

A surge of tension in the South China Sea threatens to widen divisions between Southeast Asian nations at the summit this weekend, posing a severe test for the host country, Myanmar, as the newly democratic country seeks to manage the region’s growing alarm over China.

NAB Show 2014 in Las Vegas

Almost 100,000 from around the globe gathered in Las Vegas for this year’s NAB show. Each year, film houses, aspiring cinematographers and broadcasters alike flock to the annual NAB show which is hosted by NAB or the National Association of Broadcasters. This year’s event featured 1,600+ companies showcasing new technologies that are driving the future of digital media and entertainment. Net25’s US Bureau in Las Vegas covered the event.