
Obama spares turkeys ‘Tater’ and ‘Tot’ from the Thanksgiving table

WASHINGTON, D.C., United States (Reuters) -- For the last time in a time-honored tradition, outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama on…

Censorship tool built as Facebook eyes China: report

SAN FRANSCICO, United States (AFP)- Facebook has built a tool for geographically censoring posts at the leading social network as…

Light therapy helps treat ailing bees in study

LONDON, ENGLAND, UK  (Reuters) -- Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a growing phenomenon in which the majority of worker bees abandon…

Origami-style eye test could help millions see clearly

INDIA (Reuters) -- An origami-inspired ophthalmic testing device could help democratize eye care for people in isolated communities and developing…

Fiji ants farm plants, study shows

PARIS, France (AFP) -- Ants found in the Pacific islands of Fiji behave as miniature farmers, carefully sowing and fertilising…

Kusina Lokal

KUSINA Lokal, a 24-hour non-stop authentic Filipino restaurant, recently celebrated its Grand Opening at Eton Centris Walk, Quezon Avenue, Diliman, Quezon…

Female monkeys use wile to rally troops

PARIS, France (AFP) -- Female vervet monkeys manipulate males into fighting battles by lavishing attention on brave soldiers while giving…

Riders on the waves: China’s jellyfish-hauling mules a dying breed

XIANRENDAO, China (AFP) -- With a crack of his whip, Qin Yusheng drives his mules through the ocean surf off the Chinese…

China to control public smoking nationwide by year-end

SHANGHAI, China (AFP) -- China, the world’s biggest cigarette producer and consumer, aims to impose national smoking-control regulations by the…

Zoo Atlanta sets up voting website for twin panda naming

ATLANTA, GEORGIA, United States (Reuters) -- Fans around the world are being invited by Zoo Atlanta on Monday (November 21)…

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