Mobile messaging service Telegram is racing to shut down broadcast channels used by Islamic State to promote its causes and recruit members, but the group is creating new channels apparently just as quickly. Berlin-based Telegram, created two years ago by the founder of Russia’s most popular social network site Vkontakte, has caught on in many corners of the globe as an ultra-secure way to quickly upload and share videos, texts and voice messages. Two months […]
Facebook announces new tools to help nonprofit organizations raise money
Social media giant Facebook announced on Wednesday (November 18) a new tool to improve the donate feature for non-profit organizations raising money through their Facebook pages. The new donate button allows users to donate to a charity or nonprofit without leaving their Facebook news feed. The tool also allows nonprofits to create individual pages for specific campaigns. The new pages will allow nonprofits to share a campaign story and visibly track donation progress towards a […]
Facebook gives us more buttons to play with!
QUEZON City, Philippines (November 18) – Months after popular social media site Facebook announced that it will introduce the “dislike” button, most of the users of said site expressed dread at the possibility. Said users cited that the “dislike” button may be abused and cause misunderstanding, if not outright fights among Facebook users. Those in favor, on the other hand, said that the “dislike” button is more appropriate to express feeling in situations like a […]
Concern raised that mining flood could devastate environment for years
The collapse of two dams at a Brazilian mine has cut off drinking water for quarter of a million people and saturated waterways downstream with dense orange sediment that could wreck the ecosystem for years to come. Nine people have been left dead, 19 are still listed as missing and 500 people were displaced from their homes when the dams burst at an iron ore mine in southeastern Brazil on November 5. The sheer volume […]
Robust growth seen for the RP software industry
By Caesar Vallejos Eagle News online corrrespondent (Eagle News) — Software developers and programmers gathered at the biggest SOFTCON.PH, organized by the Philippine Software Industry Association (PSIA) recently held at the Marriott Grand Ballroom Manila. It has attracted delegates from more than 50 companies, a new record since the conference was organized in 2013. “The Philippine software industry raked in more than USD 2.0 billion in revenues in 2014, posting a 20% growth from the […]
Smart helmet gives you eyes in the back of your head
For Marcus Weller the idea started off with an accident. He was riding a motorcycle in Barcelona when he took his eyes off the road to look at a road sign and smashed into the back of a car. A couple of years later he dreamt about that accident, but in the dream Weller didn’t crash. “It was an exact flashback dream of that experience. But the important difference was I wasn’t looking around for […]
Sea Organ in Croatia
A sea organ made by an artist is currently attracting much attention with the natural action of the sea waves producing beautiful music. (Eagle News Service Described by Jay Paul Carlos, Video Editing by Jericho Morales, Uploaded by MRFaith Bonalos)
Gov’t to implement water-saving technologies
The National Convergence Initiative for Sustainable Rural Development (NCI-SRD) recently conducted a workshop to develop an action plan for the implementation of water harvesting facility projects and the adoption of Cistern Technology System which is commonly used in areas where water is scarce. In the workshop, NCI-SRD national focal person Silvino Tejada explained how climate change and the rapid population growth have greatly contributed to having limited access to clean and potable water to drink. […]
NASA finds giant ice cloud on Titan
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has detected a monstrous new cloud of frozen compounds in the low- to mid-stratosphere of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. Cassini’s camera had already imaged an impressive cloud hovering over Titan’s south pole at an altitude of about 300 kilometers. However, that cloud, first seen in 2012, turned out to be just the tip of the iceberg. A much more massive ice cloud system has now been found lower in the […]
Tourism industry still strong – DOT
According to the Department of Tourism, the tourism sector remains strong despite the negative image of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport due to the “laglag-bala” issue. The DOT is confident that they will achieve the target of 10 million new arrivals for 2015. (Eagle News Service Described by Jay Paul Carlos, Video Editing by Dexter Magno, Uploaded by MRFaith Bonalos)
Iconic Eiffel Tower monitors air quality in Paris
The Eiffel Tower isn’t just an attraction for millions of visitors each year but also plays a crucial role in monitoring the French capital’s air quality. Regularly, an engineer from air quality watchdog Airparif, takes the lift up to the top of the Eiffel tower, above the many tourists gazing at the city’s stunning views. A small station monitors levels and concentration of pollutants in the Paris skies, mainly generated by road traffic. Having a […]
Man flies around Statue of Liberty in jetpack
Australian entrepreneur David Mayman was the first person to fly around New York’s Statue of Liberty in a jetpack, a recent video shows. Mayman’s JetPack Aviation, which claims to have invented the world’s only true jetpack, released a video on YouTube showing him flying around the New York landmark. According to its website the JB-10 can reach altitudes of up to 10,000 feet (3,048 meters) and speeds of 100 mph (160 kmh) while staying airborne […]