
ADHD – Beyond “malikot”

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 14) – Ever encountered a child who is very hyper and seems to be not able to control what he’s doing? He jumps; runs and shouts, and there you are, scratching your head, not knowing what triggered the child to do that? Some, without being aware of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, may simply say that the reason of the child being hyper is, of course, a child is full of curiosity and […]

Brain trauma widespread among high school football players, researchers say

Football is a dangerous sport. Even with the best protective gear, sprained knees, pulled muscles and an occasional broken bone are part of the game. But seven years of research into the impact of head trauma in high school players points to new dangers that parents will find extremely alarming. “We are seeing changes in brain activity even without a diagnosed concussion, even without any sign or symptoms showing up and that that occurs in […]

U.S. dentist not charged in lion’s death

Zimbabwe’s cabinet minister said they will not charge an American dentist for killing its most prized lion — Cecil — in July. They said Walter Palmer — the U.S. Dentist, had obtained legal authority to conduct the hunt. Environment minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri told reporters that after approaching authorities it turned out that the Minnesota-based dentist, Walter Palmer, “came to Zimbabwe because all the papers were in order”. Palmer, a lifelong big game hunter, has admitted […]

Singapore’s driverless dream

Singapore formally launched the testing of driverless vehicles on public roads on Monday (October 12), pushing ahead the study of technology aimed at reducing its dependence on manpower, and joining some U.S. states and countries like Germany. The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) along with the National University of Singapore and the Agency for Science Technology and Research showed off their two self-driving vehicles in the one-north neighbourhood of Singapore, which is home […]

Century-old olive trees chopped down as Italy tries to prevent spread of disease

The screaming sound of chainsaws rang out from an olive grove in Italy’s southern Puglia region on Monday (October 12) as local authorities began chopping down and burning trees infected with “olive-tree leprosy.” The olive tree is one of Italy’s national trees and evokes the very image of the country, but now over one million trees are believed to be infected by the disease. Local farmers are up in arms that the olive groves are […]

Fun Pizza!

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 12) – This may be an exaggeration but it feels like everybody loves pizza! And everybody loves eating it anytime of the day. Pizza is a kind of food which makes us very hungry just upon hearing the word of it and my tummy’s grumbling right now as I am writing this. Ooops! But before we start drooling for a box of pizza, let us get to know where pizza came from! Pizza, […]

Nutrients in vegetable juice easily absorbed by the body

Tired of thinking of what else you can do with your vegetables? Why not try to make a vegetable juice? Vegetables contain substantial carbohydrates, which supply most of the energy used to perform work. They have vitamins that control the chemical reactions within the body to convert food into energy and living tissues. Also, vegetables contain minerals, which are necessary for the functioning of nerves and muscles and are the building material for some body […]

Feature: Calcium, more than just a bone-builder

More than building and keeping healthy bones and teeth, calcium is a key factor to keeping the body running smoothly.  This is because calcium also keeps the heart beating steadily, and the blood, nerves and muscles working properly. The human body needs more than 40 different nutrients for good health.  One essential nutrient the body needs is calcium. But one may ask, what is calcium?  How essential is it to the body?  How much calcium […]

Feature: Shopping tips for healthful eating

Consumers today have many choices when it comes to food, especially at the grocery store. With numerous items and brand names, how does one go about choosing foods that are enjoyable, affordable, and most importantly, those that provide proper nutrition? The List Before you head out to the market, take time to make a list. It will save you time and money. What to eat this week. List out meal ideas for the week, keeping […]

Scientists from Japan, Canada win Nobel Prize in physics

Two scientists from Japan and Canada won the Nobel Prize in physics on Tuesday, for discovering that neutrinos have mass, which changed our views of the universe. The prize was awarded to Takaaki Kajita, a professor at the University of Tokyo, and Arthur B. McDonald, a professor emeritus at Queen’s University, announced by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. “It’s very important because neutrinos are elementary particles. There are very many of them. They are […]

Do not say “no” to the doughnut facts

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 7) – Fluffy, flavorful, mouth-watering, and popular, that’s what a doughnut  is. But let’s look at a different angle, we may be  so used about the donut’s distinctive look that we haven’t stop to thinky why doughnuts look that way. Did we engaged your curiosity? Read on as we share with you tons of doughnut facts. It is said that the hole of the doughnut was claimed to have invented by Captain Hanson […]