
China’s 3D printed homes

CHINA, July 24 (Eagle News) – A group was able to amaze the crowd when it constructed a house using 3D printing technology under 3 hours. (Eagle News Service Jay Paul Carlos, Jericho Morales, MRFaith Bonalos)

Keep your eyes healthy!

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News Service, July 24) – The eyes is our major sensory organ, with most of the information that our brains process coming in visual form. That is why we should keep our eyes healthy and our eyesight in good condition. First step in taking care of our eyes is through diet. Omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc and Vitamins C and E are optimal for warding-off eye conditions like macular degeneration and […]

NASA says new earth-like planet discovered using Kepler space telescope

JULY 22 (Eagle News) — Scientists using NASA’s powerful Kepler telescope have found a planet beyond the solar system that is a close match to Earth. The planet, which is about 60 percent bigger than Earth, is located about 1,400 light years away in the constellation Cygnus, the scientists told a news conference on Thursday (July 23). While similarly sized planets have been found before, the latest one, known as Kepler-452b, is circling a star […]

A cup of green tea a day…

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News Service, July 23) – One may consider green tea as the healthiest beverage in the world. So start reaching for the teabag and hot water because a cup of green tea does a  lot of wonders to your health. Green tea is full of flavonoids and catechins, both of which are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent the formation of free radicals which cause aging. These antioxidants also make green tea perfect […]

Active lifestyle prevents obesity, says health office

MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur, July 23 (PIA) — Maintaining a physically active lifestyle prevents weight problems and obesity, according to health experts. Dr. Alinader Minalang, chief of the Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO), said regular physical activity can help control weight and improve one’s health. He said increased physical activity is also recommended under the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition which aims to address the current prevalence of obesity among children and adult. […]

A successful launch sends three astronauts to the International Space Station

JULY 23 (Reuters) — Despite three failed space rocket launches in the past few months, the next crew scheduled to depart for the International Space Station on Tuesday (July 21) said they’re “ready to go”. “We’re very confident in the rocket at this point. We’re very eager to fly,” said American NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren. “I think from a crew standpoint, the extra two months have given us time for some refresher training and the […]

Cold water: Is it good for you?

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News Service, July 22) – Nothing quenches the thirst like a tall glass of ice-cold water. But before reaching for that glass, have you considered that the temperature of the what you drink actually has an effect to your body. It is important to be stay well-hydrated but you should also consider the temperature of what you are drinking. While some studies say that there is actually no difference between drinking […]

Seaweed tastes like bacon

OREGON, United States of America, July 21 (Eagle News) – A group from the Oregon State University discovered a new type of seaweed that is not only full of nutrients and antioxidants but also has a taste that is similar to bacon. (Eagle News Service Jay Paul Carlos, Jericho Morales, MRFaith Bonalos)

Why go gluten-free?

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News Service, July 21) – Many consumers are unaware of what gluten is. Gluten is a kind of protein found in wheat, barley and rye. Generally, eating gluten is not a problem unless you have celiac disease – a type of autoimmune disease of the small intestine that occurs in genetically predisposed people. Eating gluten causes sufferers of celiac disease to be affected by symptoms which include digestive discomfort, constipation, diarrhea, […]

Learn your chopsticks etiquette!

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News Service, July 20) – With the popularity of Asian dishes like Korean, Chinese and Japanese cuisine, many Filipinos are going out of their way to learn how to use chopsticks so that their appreciation of said cuisines could be considered as a complete experience. Learning how to use chopsticks is hard, but with practice and diligence, one can be an expert in just a short time. Chopsticks originated from China, […]

RoboCup 2015 opens in Hefei

JULY 20 (CCTV) — A world competition on robot making and operation RoboCup (Robot World Cup) 2015 opened on Sunday in Hefei City of east China’s Anhui Province. This year’s event has brought together more than 300 teams from 47 countries and regions to showcase and compete on the latest robot technologies. The competitions that run through July 22 mainly focus on three aspects including robot soccer, service robots and rescue robots. As the world’s […]

Food Security, a worry in green tourism

JULY 17 — Fast pace, fast technologies, fast foods. Five out of ten Filipinos are eating in quick-service restaurants. With so many eateries offering a wide variety of fast foods and drinks in any street corner, the time has come to ask: How safe is the food Filipinos on the go are eating and drinking? Hand in hand with the boom and growing importance of the food and beverage industry, 47% share of the country’s […]