
I can see clearly now – my Lasik surgery experience

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News Service, July 16) – For approximately twenty years, I have been wearing a pair of eyeglasses. I was plagued with poor eyesight ever since I was young. My parents would always scold me because when I am watching the TV, my face would be only inches from the screen. They said that I will ruin my eyesight, but actually, the reverse is true. I sit extremely close to the TV […]

Hammock and hot tub at the same time

JULY 16 (Eagle News) — Benjamin Frederick of Oregon, USA, invented the hydro-hammock, a combined hammock and portable hot tub with in-built heating capabilities, truly perfect for camping. (United States of America) (Eagle News Service Jay Paul Carlos, Jericho Morales, MRFaith Bonalos)

NASA reveals new images of Pluto’s topography

JULY 16 (Reuters) — NASA’s New Horizons science team revealed new images of distant Pluto on Wednesday (July 15), revealing methane gas, and topography complete with mountains and water “in great abundance.” A U.S. spacecraft sailed past the tiny planet Pluto in the distant reaches of the solar system on Tuesday (July 15), capping a journey of 3 billion miles (4.88 billion km) that began nine and a half years ago. The NASA New Horizons […]

Eat-all-you-can hacks!

QUEZON City, Philippines – (Eagle News Service, July 15) – There is a marked increase in the number of eat-all-you-can places, capitalizing on the Filipinos’ innate love for food. These places are always jam-packed, with long lines waiting patiently for their chance to eat as much as they can. To help you maximize your ultimate pig-out experience, here are some useful hacks that you can try: First, look around. As already said earlier, there are […]

NASA prepares for ‘New Horizons’ to pass by Pluto

JULY 14 (Reuters) — NASA’s New Horizons team leaders held a news conference on Monday (July 13) to announce that the spacecraft was on course to pass Pluto within a day. “20 Hours, 22 minutes zero seconds, we are about 625,000 miles (1,005,840 km) from Pluto right now I won’t read down the numbers as they go but it’s going to be a really dynamic next 24 hours plus,” former astronaut and five time space […]

Liven up your space with indoor plants

QUEZON City, Philippines (Eagle News Service, July 13) – Tired of your dull surroundings? Looking for a creative way to lighten up your personal space? Why not try indoor plants? Of course, there are some important things to consider before you start your very own indoor garden. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a green thumb. You don’t actually need to do much. Just ensure that you get the proper mixture of temperature, light and […]

NASA holds daily briefing as New Horizons makes its final approach to Pluto

  (REUTERS)  NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is poised to become the first probe to visit distant Pluto, capping a reconnaissance of the solar system that began more than 50 years ago. NASA said images they are recieving from New Horizons, taken on July 9 from 3.3 million miles (5.4 million kilometers) away, are “tantalizing signs of geology on Pluto”. “It is just amazing what we are seeing now. It was a gradual approach and every […]

Taho: A cup full of memories and benefits

Taho is one of the best snack foods in the Philippines.  Decades have passed, but the craving for this food has not vanished in our culture and still has been enjoyed by every “Juan”. This signature snack food can be found all over the country. Taho is not only good for our health, but is budget-friendly too. With just five pesos, you can enjoy the sweetness, tastiness, and its exquisite flavor. The word taho is […]

South Korea’s Baekje Historic Areas and China’s Tusi sites named World Heritage Sites

JULY 4 (Reuters) — UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee on Saturday (June 4) approved the Baekje Historic Areas and Tusi sites in China as a World Heritage Sites. The South Korean sites include eight archaeological places which hold a royal palace, administrative buildings and royal tombs in Gongju, Buyeo and Iksan, cities about 200km (125 miles) south of capital, Seoul, South Korea’s Cultural Heritage Administration said. “Baekje established ties with China, Japan and even with the […]

Singapore’s Botanic Gardens named World Heritage Site

JULY 6 (Reuters) — Singapore’s Botanic Gardens was named as a cultural site on the World Heritage List on Saturday (July 4), with residents and tourists in the city state welcoming the news. The UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting in Bonn, Germany, approved the inscription of six new cultural sites in China, Iran, Mongolia and Singapore. Singapore’s Botanic Gardens were the first tropical botanic gardens on the heritage site list and the first in Asia, […]

Be Tech Literate, Avoid Online SCAM Buyers

By Aimee V. Mendoza If we are avoiding scam sellers, we should too be aware of scam buyers. If you are an online seller, you should be aware of your buyers even if they promise to pay you a larger amount for the goods you are selling. For those who are planning to have their online business, or sell something online by signing up on several online shops, you should become technology literate. According to […]

WWF: Largest Gathering of Bicolano Tuna Fishers Aims to Conserve Tuna

Waiting for Tuna by Gregg Yan Largest Gathering of Bicolano Tuna Fishers Aims to Conserve Tuna Late afternoon and we’re holed up in a hut along the coast of Tiwi in Albay, trading fish tales and waiting for fishermen to return. Sitting around us are their wives, mending nets and eyeing the swelling crowd of kids cajoling in the surf. It is June, the season for yellowfin tuna. The first of the bancas arrive, unloading […]