
Fishkill in Manila Bay and Pangasinan

The Philippine Coast Guard reported that there have been a series of fishkill with mullet fish floating in Manila Bay breakwater early dawn Monday. Bureau of Fisheries and Acquatic Resources (BFAR) said that “Dissolved oxygen levels from three sampling stations were at 1.2, “way below the normal oxygen level of five (and above)… to be able to sustain marine life.” This oxygen depletion in the water may have been the cause of the fish kills. […]

Gov’t temporarily bans poultry products from US, Israel

QUEZON CITY, PIA- To protect Filipino consumers, the Philippines’ Department of Agriculture (DA) has issued a temporary ban on poultry meat and eggs coming from the US’s Oregon State, and Haifa, Israel, the agency announced over the weekend. “The Philippine government put a temporary ban on the import of domestic and wild birds and their products coming from Oregon, USA, as a precautionary measure against Avian Flu,” DA Secretary Proceso Alcala said in a statement, […]