
Mali, Ebola free

The Health Minister of Mali declared his country Ebola-free after 42 days of no new Ebola cases being recorded. The Ebola virus caused six deaths in said country.

Climate change, extinctions signal Earth in danger zone: study

(Reuters) – – Climate change and high rates of extinctions of animals and plants are pushing the Earth into a danger zone for humanity, a scientific report card about mankind’s impact on nature said on Thursday. An international team of 18 experts, expanding on a 2009 report about “planetary boundaries” for safe human use, also sounded the alarm about clearance of forests and pollution from nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilisers. “I don’t think we’ve broken […]

New Ebola cases slump in all three worst-hit countries – WHO

(Reuters) – All three countries hit hardest by the Ebola epidemic have recorded their lowest weekly number of new cases for months, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday, as the global death toll reached 8,429 out of 21,296 cases reported so far. Sierra Leone and Guinea both saw the lowest weekly total of confirmed Ebola cases since August 2014. Liberia, which reported two days with zero new cases last week, had its lowest weekly […]

UN envoy describes ‘sense of self-confidence’ among those battling Ebola outbreak

The United Nations Special Envoy on Ebola today described a growing feeling of confidence among those responding to the outbreak in West Africa, but he warned that there is an absolute need to maintain focus, vigilance and discipline to ensure that the disease is wiped out. “In the last few weeks, we’ve seen a big shift, a sense of self-confidence a sense that it can be beaten,” David Nabarro said in an interview with the […]

2014 was Earth’s hottest year, could lead to storm surges, flooding -NASA scientist

Last year was Earth’s warmest on record, bolstering the argument that people are altering the planet’s climate by relentlessly burning fuels that belch greenhouse gases into the air, two major U.S. government agencies said on Friday (January 16). Separate studies by the U.S. space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that the 10 warmest years on record have taken place since 1997. “What was found for 2014 was that 2014 was […]

Ebola cases drop

A noticeable decrease of Ebola cases was recorded in Africa, leading others to conclude that anti-Ebola efforts are now showing results.

National Cancer Consciousness Week

Known as the silent killer, cancer is one of the leading causes of death not only in the Philippines but in the whole world as well. But we can do something to fight and prevent this dreaded disease. Prevention and early detection are our best weapons against cancer. Spread the word! The third week of January is National Cancer Consciousness Week