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Should the government hide the homeless during the APEC summit?

  QUEZON City, Philippines (November 10) – Should the government hide the homeless during the APEC summit? Imagine yourself walking besides Manila Bay; you feel that cold breeze, see the night lights from commercial buildings and lamp posts, you see happy faces from families who are trying to have some quality time with their loved ones, then suddenly bunch of kids with tattered clothes approached you, begging for money, I believe most of you would say “then […]

QCinema presents Animation and Visual effects

Joining part in QCinema International Film festival, we had attended yesterday, Oct. 27, 2015, a short lecture presentation of Animation and Visual effects held at Trinoma mall, Cinema 2. It was presented by First Academy of Computer Arts, one of the leading digital arts school in the country. The First Academy’s objective in joining QCinema is to encourage not only filmmakers and but every Filipino, either professionals or students in every field to create and […]

Dear Future president…

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 28) – The election for the next president is drawing near and the candidates have started to seduce the people to collect much needed-votes. All those sweet words,  promises about the future and caring actions you showed the public, is it for real or an image made for a propaganda? Is it so much to wish for that you keep your words and put it into action. To whomever may win in […]

United Nations: Maintaining Peace since 1945

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 24) – World peace –  a cliched but very relevant answer when you ask people what this world needs the most. Due to our diversity and cultural differences, it is not surprising that there is always a misunderstanding between two countries that often results to war. Thankfully, there is an organization that is always ready to resolve any conflict and promote unity around the globe; and that is the United Nations. The […]

Dear Next President

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 23) – I know that anyone who will be placed in your soon-to-be position have one thing in common and that is responsibility. We know that you will be facing a lot of obstacles like humiliation, mockery and a lot of questioning if you are “THE ONE”. When we say “THE ONE” it’s actually like, Batman or almost half-way like Superman. We will give you our trust as well as our hopes, […]

Where’s my water?

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 23) – In an article posted in CNN News, it was confirmed that regulators will not reduce water allocations to concessionaires in Metro Manila and nearby areas, but Maynilad announced that it may extend water service interruptions. Maynilad said some areas will have no water for up to 20 hours a day. Currently, 900 barangays in Metro Manila and Cavite have seven-hour water cuts from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. daily. Maynilad […]

When you’re stuck in traffic

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 22) – Being stuck in traffic is like a  a punishment. It’s painful. There are lots of time wasted doing nothing and to wait for the car to move and get to where you must be is definitely no fun at all! It is said that you have never experienced traffic unless you experience it here in the Philippines. Posted on the website of CNN Philippines, Dr. Gladys Mendoza, an internist at […]

Malls as voting centers – a voter’s point of view

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 22) – Rappler posted in their website that qualified voters may now register and have their biometrics captured in malls to vote in the May 2016 national elections. The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has partnered with top mall operators in the country to set up satellite voters’ registration booths inside their respective malls. Comelec Chairman Andy Bautista said the poll body decided to bring this service to malls to help some voters […]

The dress code: School uniform

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 20) – Should they be worn by the students? An organization in the United States who aims to let people understand the pros and cons of wearing school uniform,, says that, traditionally favored by private and parochial institutions, school uniforms are being adopted by US public schools in increasing numbers. Almost one in five US public schools required students to wear uniforms during the 2011-2012 school years, up from one in […]

The first time voter

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 20) – My dad decided to take me to the municipal hall seven months after I turned 18, so that I can register myself as a voter. Then, I realized that being a registered voter carries with it so much more significance not only for me but for our country as well. Being a registered voter means that you are considered as a legitimate citizen of the Philippines. The scene when I first […]

A message to the BOC – Do everything with decency

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 19) – Have you heard about the Bureau of Customs’ (BOC) imposition of tax to the championship belt of the women’s flyweight boxing champion Jujeath Nagaowa when she claimed said belt that was shipped to her from Macau by the WIBA despite the fact that there is a law that exempts medals, trophies, awards, and other similar prizes or recognition coming from other countries or import as they call it. For me personally, I […]

October is museums and galleries month!

QUEZON City, Philippines (October 16) – Have you ever been to a museum? How about an art gallery? Some of you may have some you may haven’t, but before you go to galleries and museums of your choice, whether it may be just for appreciation of art or a requirement for your humanities class, you must know first that in every place you’ll visit, there will always be etiquette to be observed and of course, must […]