Chinese president meets with Walt Disney CEO

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Thursday China-US relations have maintained a momentum of sound development on the whole and there are broad prospects for cooperation as the interests shared by both sides more deeply interwoven.

Xi made the remarks in Beijing when meeting with Walt Disney Company Chairman and CEO Robert Iger, who is also the vice chairman of the US-China Business Council.

Xi recalled his meeting with US President Barack Obama during the Nuclear Security Summit in March in Washington, D.C., saying both sides reached an important consensus on promoting the new model of major-country relations.

Xi said both sides should take a wider view, safeguard common interests and deepen pragmatic cooperation, expressing his appreciation to the long-term positive efforts made by the US-China Business Council as well as Walt Disney Company to promote bilateral relations.

Xi stressed that China’s economic structural reforms and development of open economy would benefit foreign enterprises, institutions and people-to-people exchanges with China.

China endorses a bilateral investment agreement with the United States through negotiations as early as possible, Xi said.

Iger said strengthened economic and trade cooperation between China the United States is very important to the world, expressing support for the bilateral investment agreement to expand cooperation between enterprises from both sides on the basis of mutual respect and benefit.

Iger said the soon-to-open Shanghai Disneyland would strive to ensure each visitor receives safe, quality and pleasant service.

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