Chinese special envoy calls for patience on Syria issues

BRUSSELS, Belgium (Reuters) —  There are no quick solutions to the Syria issues, which means relevant parties should focus on the easy problems first, and then take step by step efforts to solve these with political measures and peace talks,  China’s special envoy to Syria, said on Tuesday.

In a press conference, Xie Xiaoyan said that the top priority now is to avoid any escalation and deterioration of the current situation.

He said all parties should make every effort to restore the peace and stability in Syria.

“This is a complicated problem since there are many different interests and thoughts involved. So it is unrealistic to find a quick solution to Syria issues, for there might be all kinds of twists and turns, difficulties and even regressions. But I believe that as long as all parties have enough political will to walk toward each other, understand each other, make the necessary compromises, and especially, avoid new hatred. As long as we can walk toward the right direction, keep being confident and patient, there will be a solution eventually,” said Xie.

In terms of the recent chemical weapon attacks and bombing attacks in Syria targeting civilians, especially women and children, Xie reiterated China’s stance and called for punishment for the perpetrators.

“This cannot be tolerated, must be condemned, and actions are needed to punish the perpetrators who did this. Secondly, we call for independent, impartial, professional and thorough, comprehensive investigations into the cases to find out the perpetrators, to reach conclusions, but the conclusions must be accompanied with reliable hard evidence,” Xie said.

“Any action taken within the framework of the United Nations must be in accordance with international law and conventions,” Xie added.

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