COMELEC election registration board begins evaluation of registrants

MANILA, Aug. 13 – The Election Registration Board (ERB) will convene from August 11 to August 15 to evaluate applications for registration for the 2016 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections.

The ERB is composed of the Election Officer as chairman, the local civil registrar, and the most senior in rank public school official in a city or municipality, as members. In the absence of the civil registrar, the city or municipal treasurer can take his place.

The Commission on Elections said that the ERB will purge the official voters’ list  of  illegal registrants such as flying voters, and those with double and multiple registrations, using the biometrics and the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).

The list of approved and disapproved applications will be posted not later than August 19, 2016 while the certified and final list of voters will be posted not later than September 16. The implementation of court inclusion/exclusion orders will be not later than September 30.

The election period will be from October 1 to November 7, 2016.   There are 3, 093, 023 applications for registration for the October 31st polls. (COMELEC)

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