Customs official among those named as corrupt by Customs broker in House hearing resigns

Milo Maestrecampo (second to the left) is sworn in as director of the Bureau of Customs’ Imports and Assessment Service. From BoC Facebook account

(Eagle News) — One of the several Customs officials named as corrupt by a Customs broker in a House hearing on Monday has resigned.

In his resignation letter addressed to President Rodrigo Duterte and dated Aug. 8, Milo Maestrecampo, director of the Bureau of Customs’ Imports and Assessment Service, said he was stepping down “in order to fight for my honor and integrity and in the name of ‘delicadeza.'”

He said this was despite the fact that Mark Taguba, the Customs broker who alleged he paid off several BoC officials and employees–including Maestrecampo—to expedite his shipments, “essentially cleared his name” when he admitted during the ways and means hearing that he did not know the director nor give any payola to him.

In that hearing, Maestrecampo said it appeared Taguba only named him because the IAS unit had been “namedropped at the port” and that he was the director of the unit.

He added it appeared Taguba was only referring to a group of people–the Davao Group under a certain Tita Nanie–who used the IAS’ name to collect money.

“But it was too late because his earlier mentioning my name was already captured by the media, thus having my name dragged into this,” Maestrecampo said.

“I hereby tender my resignation and submit to investigations in order to clear my name,” he added.