(Eagle News)–President Bongbong Marcos on Wednesday, Feb. 7, led the ceremonial signing of civil works contracts for the Davao Public Transport Modernization Project (DPTMP).
With the signing, civil work for the DPTMP is expected to begin in the third quarter of 2024.
The DPTMP is envisioned to be a 672-kilometer bus route network serving 29 interconnected routes with 400 articulated battery electric buses and more than 500 diesel buses.
Once completed, it is expected to serve 800,000 passengers daily and is forecast to generate around 3,000 jobs.
“It is a demonstration of our resolve to deliver what people in all regions deserve: a mass transportation system that can move commuters and commerce efficiently. There is no better, there is no better place than this city to renew the pledge that —there is no better time than today,” the President said.
He said the planned project was made possible thanks to the collaborative efforts of the public and private sectors.
He also thanked the Asian Development Bank for believing and investing in the DPTMP.
“Their support will be repaid with work that does not scrimp on the budget, nor cut corners on workmanship, nor block feedback, nor disregard deadlines,” the President said, adding that he has already instructed the government agencies involved to ensure the same.
“As a catalyst for lifestyle change, it shows by example that there are feasible alternatives to commuting by private vehicles, that these can be left behind at homes, without having to be late for work, for school or for whatever you need around and about the places that you live,” he added.