Digital Nest Feature: National Crayon Day

DIGITAL NEST | National Crayon Day

By: Joy Anne Andres, Eagle News Service US, New York Bureau

This year, Crayola celebrated National Crayon Day a little differently. For the first time, the company decided to retire a color from their well known 24-pack and gave the announcement of the crayon name right in the middle of New York City’s Times Square early Friday morning.

In case you haven’t heard already, Dandelion is the color we will all be saying goodbye to. I hope they have an explanation for this execution, because I clearly remember choosing the dandelion crayon over the regular yellow crayon. I reminisce on the suns I would draw at the corner of my page. The kind of sun that would have many rays and a pair of sunglasses on. I know I have a few people who can vouch for me so at least I can prove to you that I’m not the only one who did this in grade school.

Although it rained all day, Crayola kept it classy and kept the celebration going. From photo booths to a coloring wall, they dedicated a whole booth to the color. Within that booth, many were able to take out a dandelion crayon and enjoy the color for the last time from the surrounding walls of crayons.

So long sweet Dandelion.

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