DOJ Chief offers immunity to Ronnie Dayan

(Eagle News)– Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II on Tuesday (September 27) appealed to Senator De Lima’s former driver and bodyguard Ronnie Dayan to testify against the senator following her alleged involvement in the drug proliferation inside New Bilibid Prison (NBP).

“We would like to invite Ronnie Dayan to come out and be open, testify to the Congress. We could put you in the WPP (Witness Protection Program) and the Speaker could offer you immunity like other witnesses. As long as the condition that he would tell only nothing but the truth and testify against De Lima,” Aguirre said during a televised interview.
Aguirre stressed they have enough evidence to prove De Lima was really involved in the drug operations, like the bank records showing the transaction trails.
“Of course we could not expect De Lima to put these hundreds of millions under her name. We will come up with and ask AMLC (Anti-Money Laundering Council) for another report on these bank records,” he said.
At the House hearing last week, former Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Rafael Ragos testified that he and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) agent Jovencio Ablen Jr. delivered P10 million to De Lima with the presence of Dayan in 2012.
De Lima refused to appear before the probe, calling it a “sham” and accused President Rodrigo Duterte who ordered the investigation.
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